Let nature be

One day I decided to make a mini compost heap with leaves and garden scraps. So every now and then I will throw whatever is in the way onto the pile. When I water the garden I would add water to the pile area. Many dead, or what I thought was dead plants started to grow on the pile. One of my "projects" in the planning was to collect all the seeds from the palm tree close to the pile and start growing palm trees. The project never took off and all the seeds ended up in the pile. The pile itself were neglected as I lost interest in looking after it. This is exactly what nature wants, to be left alone! After some good rain and a few nice days of sunshine I notices something happening to the pile. All the trow-away palm seeds sprouted and started to grow. I dug into the pile and saw heaps of life all over.
You can give up on nature but it will never let you down!IMG_1598.jpg

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