Garden journal 2019 - Early sowing update!

Well this is bloody typical and hasn't went to plan, some of the chilli seeds never germinated and its been well over a month now... its probably a good thing as another 10+ plants in the house for the next month or two would of probably cost me my marriage.

Garden journal 2019 April week 1 update

So these are off to the compost bin once i peel them from their wrappings. last time ill be using these and moving to recycled paper pots moving forwards. must get that paper pot maker built at some point.

Outside of that though, Everything else so doing great. I decided to finally start potting things up as the little grow box was getting crammed. Last thing i want is some bout of disease or infection to wipe out this years opportunity for food sovereignty.

Mission re pot and re-home

When my Wife went out to work i pounced into action. Pots out, compost ready and started to pot things up. it was a tight deadline before she got back. I had to pot them up, tidy up and find a new home for them or, this could of been my last garden journal 2019 update. 😂 I had a nice little sunny window sill in our bedroom ear marked but it involved moving furniture around and getting all the plants upstairs, chop chop...

Getting big and setting flowers

Look at this beauty!!! its one of the AJI limo chilli's a hot citrusy chilli that if given a good start drips in yellow chilli's ooooo i cannot wait to get its roots in the greenhouse once the temps stabilise a bit.

Also the jalapeno early's are living up to their name and starting to set flowers, ill be pinching these out for the next few weeks until they are in their final growing position.

A holiday before moving to the greenhouse

This is only half of them and no doubt ill show you the rest in another update but i forgot to take a picture. This is becoming a trend... look at them though I'm super stoked with how they are getting on so far I'm easily a month ahead of last year with the peppers and chillies (but a month behind on the tomatoes 😂 no issues they grow fast)

More room to stretch their legs

Well more space now, so i snuck some plants in the trolley when we did the food shop 😂 i got caught but was allowed to keep them, 4 courgette , 4 habenero chilli's and a set of runner beans. The cucumbers are coming through as are the tomatoes, the aubergines aren't looking to promising so i'm going to resow some this week.

Question: Any experience of paper pots, is it worth the hassle making some?

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