Working On Seedlings For The Garden


I have to work at my plants for my garden. I usually just place seeds in these little containers and when they grow to little plants I scoop them up out of those containers and put them in plant pots or directly into the ground.

Here I have placed seeds for beets, jalapeno, Japanese egg plant and bell peppers.

I still have to work on my tomatoes. I usually like to grow Cherokee purple tomatoes. I really like the taste of the Cherokee purple tomatoes.

Mom wants to grow yellow colored tomato plants. I do have seeds of the pineapple tomato. Maybe I'll try to get seedlings of those.


I was going to make a veggie fruit drink with my Vitmix this morning. I thought I better take a picture of this pot with True Siberian Kale before I cut a big leaf from it.


Here is a picture of one of many Swiss chard plants I have. I will use a couple of leaves from this pot also for my veggie fruit drink.

Mom also wants more Swiss chard plants. So I might make some more seedlings of Swiss chard.

In my drink I used one big kale leaf and 2 leaves of Swiss chard with some frozen peaches from the farmers market last summer and frozen nectarines from my own tree picked last year and I mixed it up with filtered water.

That drink was very filling.

It is always good to grow your own food if you can. Even if you have no land you can grow some food in a garden pot.

It is a way to be more self sufficient and it saves you money and is healthy for you.

You still have to worry about the chemtrails spraying nano aluminum particulates on your food. What I do for that is wash the food I grow with a solution of water and baking soda.

I read that water and baking soda is even more effective as a fruit/vegetable wash than the chlorine/water solution you buy at the store. I used the water and baking soda to wash my kale leaf and Swiss chard leaves before I put them in my Vitamix to make my healthy drink.

I always keep a lot of baking soda in the house as I use it to fight the flu, acid re-flux, cancer and also to wash my fruits and vegetables and so much more.

So let's try to grow food.

Also it is written, Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them; Jeremiah 29:5.

Sources 1, 2

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Thank you, David.
Images are mine taken with my trusty flip phone.

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