Bloomin Sunshine.....


Today, after I worked 4 hours of overtime, I decided to go to another garden center to see if I could find my Mom one more flower. I also wanted some more corn on the cob that was good that I had gotten there before.

THIS is not what I went for, but.....😊


Orange dominates the bloom, but the outer edges of the petals are yellow and near the centers there is a little bit of pink. What a sweet tropical beauty !


I'm thinking you can see how I simply could NOT come home without one.

bloom and bud.jpg

I did find another for my Mother, I mean another bougainvillea basket. It was not a color I had hoped for, but it is rather nice. I'll show you later, just as soon as I can get my eyes unstuck off of this one.

It's a sunny Saturday ! What more could you want?

Oh! and BTW... .I did not colorize any of these photos, they are THIS bright right out of my phone camera.

Hope everyone is doing well and that your hearts are happy.

Luv ya !


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