The Struggle Never Ends...

With all the crazy bullshit happening all over the world, you might think your problems are minimal. But then maybe some of the world's problems belong to everyone. Take Trump for instance. Even if you voted for Fuckface Von Clownstick, by now you must be wondering, "WTF did I do?" He is everyone's problem now.

But here we are dealing with our day to day problems. Will we ever make enough money to get out of the hole? Will we ever get enough likes on Instagram to make us feel somewhat important? Will Johnny have new shoes for school? Even when you struggle right through life's trials and tribulations, there's always something new that you have to worry about. So we seek some form of escapism: gaming, gambling, sex, drugs, Rock & Roll.

Do you seek answers? I'm not sure I have answers to all your individual struggles, but I've come up with some over-generalizations:

Deforestation- start building houses out of mud again.

World Hunger- Soylant Green.

Austin Traffic- Learn my secret ways of navigating through it.

Politics- Always vote Satan, because voting for the lesser of two evils is just lame.

Overpopulation- Spay and neuter your kids.

Let's see. What else? Oh yes!

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch- Let's all start cleaning that up and recycling everything we can.

Ok, I have writer's block now. If you can think of anything else, just ad them in the comments.


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