Setting up Ganache and Metamask on my windows 10 home laptop

Install Ganache on Windows 10 Home

Ganache is a local ethereum node that allows you to fire up a personal Ethereum blockchain which you can use to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates. - No need to connect to the real ethereum main net, or spend real money.

There are many ways to build get ganache running but the easiest is to simply download the executable:

Running it should look like this:

Install MetaMask (On Chrome)

Metamask is a chrome extension that helps you interact with web pages that want access to a (your) Ethereum wallet.

Connect Metamask to Ganache

  • Notice that Ganache has a local url it's providing as an access point to its local node:

  • Create a new connection in MetaMask

  • Add that address into meta mask on the settings page:

  • And now tell metamask to connect to the private net by selecting the network

  • and choose the local net

Load your Fake Wallet

Once you are connected locally you can use a private key from the front page of ganache to load up a fake local wallet. This is done by Importing a private key from Ganache into the metamask wallet, which creates a local account you can switch to.

  • Copy a private key from Ganache

  • Select user icon

  • Import an account

  • Copy and past a private key here:

  • And Voila, you have fake cryptocurrency to test your local code with.

  • Donate Ethereum here: 0x295a9A45eDd055Eb817748B59653d6454526CD44 (Thats my real address on ethereum main net!)

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