Bring hive into beeswap and get paid to do it

You can earn additional hive to trade with and cover some fees by using beeswap a lessor known way to bring hive into hive engine and swap.hive which usually offers a .4% rebate on all hive that gets brought in though it instead of charging or giving nothing. The little bit after little bit adds up like i just brought in a tiny bit of hive and got .19 hive as a rebate instead of paying to deposit and use the service. This fee covers most of the fee from terrablock on the way out to BSC or other chains.

Using splinterlands you can pay the .5% fee and get your funds out for a net .1% cost for the bridge after factoring in the hive rebate if you want to convert your hive to another crypto like bsc or eth. You can also swap and send it on hive endine but the prices might be more since the markets are not very liquid for other currencies than spl pairs.

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