Info!! Spread Hate Speech Through Chat, Some Players Kicked off Blizzcon 2017 Event by Bilzzard [ENG-IND]


Personal likes to insult other people in the video game is already commonplace we find in some online multiplayer video games. Personality is one of the most hated personality by the community and developers themselves because it will lead to the creation of an environment that is not conducive to play. However, what happens if the bad personality is carried away during the event held by the developer of his own game? This is what happened at Blizzcon 2017 yesterday.

Some players who spread hate speech when the Blizzcon 2017 event was finally forced out of the event by Blizzard security. After the case was investigated, it turns out they are spreading hate speech through chat while playing Blizzard demo game as said by Streamer named Broximar via Twitternya. "Blizzard Security went straight to it, pulled out the visitors and drove them out of the event," he said. He also added that Blizzard's security monitors everything they say through chat while playing demos of Blizzard games in Blizzcon 2017.

The above case can be a lesson to remain polite at any event. Those expelled seem to have forgotten that they are no longer protected by their privacy when playing the game at an event like Blizzcon. How about you? Have you ever found or even done the same thing when you visited at events like this?


Pribadi suka menghina orang lain di video game memang sudah lumrah kita temukan di beberapa video game multiplayer online. Kepribadian tersebut merupakan salah satu kepribadian yang paling dibenci oleh komunitas maupun developer sendiri karena akan berujung pada terciptanya lingkungan bermain yang tidak kondusif. Namun, apa jadinya apabila kepribadian buruk tersebut terbawa saat event yang diadakan oleh developer game-nya sendiri? Hal inilah yang terjadi di Blizzcon 2017 kemarin.

Beberapa player yang sebarkan ujaran kebencian saat event Blizzcon 2017 akhirnya dipaksa keluar dari event oleh sekuriti Blizzard. Setelah kasus ini diusut, ternyata mereka menyebarkan ujaran kebencian melalui chat saat memainkan game demo Blizzard seperti yang dikatakan oleh Streamer bernama Broximar melalui Twitternya. “Sekuriti Blizzard langsung mendatanginya, mencabut tanda pengunjung dan mengusirnya dari event.” ungkapnya. Ia juga menambahkan bahwa sekuriti Blizzard memonitor semua yang mereka katakan melalui chat saat memainkan demo game-game Blizzard di Blizzcon 2017.

Kasus di atas bisa menjadi pelajaran untuk tetap bersikap sopan di event apapun. Mereka yang diusir sepertinya lupa bahwa mereka tidak lagi terlindungi privasinya apabila memainkan gamenya di event seperti Blizzcon. Bagaimana denganmu? Apakah kamu pernah menemukan atau justru melakukan hal yang sama saat kamu berkunjung di event-event semacam ini?

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