Looking for fellow players of World of Warships to join in game!

World of Warships is a free to play WWII naval based game created by Wargaming. They created World of Tanks and World of Warplanes that are WWII base also. If you haven't tried it yet got to https://worldofwarships.com/ to check it out if you are interested. World of Warships is still expanding as we speak.

The reason for the post is to find people, teams, or groups looking for a free player on the (NA) North Atlantic server! Most of my friends have moved on to the next new game. I really enjoy playing so I myself am sticking in for the long haul! Playing without a team mate is fine for low tier matches but it would be nice to regularly have team mates to work with. I play all classes but Carriers. My tier limit is 8 at the moment. My tag is Voxxer7, you can check my stats under the player tab at the site.


All images are credited to World of Warships site and WarGaming!

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