Skyrim: an elderscrolls tale.

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So I've been playing Skyrim a lot lately (again) and something occurred to me, the more I play it, the more I dive in to those cavernous... caverns, the more I kill those horrible bandits, the more I get attacked out of nowhere by the Skyrim wildlife... the more I want to play. The deeper I get, the more I want to play.

It's one of those games where you can sink 100+ hours easily and then just not want to stop, but knowing the more and more you play, the less and less stuff you'll have to do and eventually you'll have to stop playing because you've done everything and that makes me kind of sad.

I think after a while you get to a point where you just can't stop thinking about the next installment. It would make perfect sense for it to be released now, or a year ago. I love Skyrim and have probably played it all up over 3 different platforms (ps3, ps4 and PC) for over 1000 hours but now is the time, now that they can't possibly come up with any more editions, any more versions of it, now is the time that they get on with the next game. I am extremely excited to play it, I know I'm not the only one. Bethesda have 2 of my favourite series running concurrently in Fallout and The Elderscrolls and they seem to be taking longer and longer to release games, I know they've been releasing other games in between and I know that they're probably working on the next Elderscrolls game I just wish that they'd hurry up. I'm like a junkie waiting for his next fix... "dude I've got these cheeseburgers man, just give me the next elder scrolls game and I'll give them to you".

I don't know where it will be based, there's people saying Skyrim 2 but that just doesn't make sense. In the past 2 games they've been talking a lot about the Thalmor and the High Elves so I think they could be either building up to a Summerset Isles game or a game where the Thalmor are the bad guys but who knows, tbh anything would be great, I know they have probably been working on it for a very long time and have a lot of the game made by now and I wish I could get in there and see it!

This wasn't what this post was supposed to be about, I really wanted to talk about the beauty and grandeur of the game, I mean it's 6 years and some change old and I still find myself stopping to admire the scenery every so often. It has one of the best skies in any game released before or since. The high lakes area of the game blows my mind everytime I walk through there, just last night I came across a perfect scene. The water was gently lapping at the edge of a beautiful Loch in the distance the mountains stood resolute, just across the water there was a crumbling castle which had fallen in to the lake, an island popping out of the water in the foreground and a deer off to my right was having a drink, it was a perfect scene, I had to stop. I was so enamoured I didn't even notice the skeletons and mudcrabs coming to take away my perfect Bob Rossesque scene and turn it into a horror show.

There's honestly nothing I don't like about the game other than Bethesda have turned it into a bit of a running gag, will we be playing a Remastered, Remaster edition on the PS5, how long will they milk it for? I think they're at their limit now tbh but who knows.

anyway... Rant over
Vikinghammer Out!

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