Thoughts on Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition

So, Hyrule Warriors, I never got a Chance to play it at launch since I don't own a Wii-U, and I never got to play the 3ds Port Either because my 3ds L and R buttons Stopped working a while back (Plus I heard it runs horribly on a standard 3ds like mine anyway)

So when It was announced that a Definitive Edition that Includes past DLC and new Features of the 3ds version would be coming to the Switch I was Excited.


So a Few days ago I picked up a copy and I have been playing the heck out of it since, While I wont be doing a Review of it soon because of how much Content is in this game and the fact that I still have not cleared the Story Mode yet.

Here are my thoughts on Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition.

So For those who do not know Hyrule Warriors is a Dynasty Warriors with a Legend of Zelda Skin, and throwing in a Few Original Characters to Spice things up.

The Character Roster is Generally the Expected ones, like Link, Zelda, Impa, Sheik, Ganondorf. You know the Classic Cast. There are also some Fan Favorites here as well such as Ghirahim, Midna, Skull kid, Zant, and Medli. and there are the off the ball Choices Like Fi, Tingle, Darunia, Ruto, and Agitha. oh and there are 3 Different Versions of Link here, you got Regular, Young, and Toon Links. And I still have not Gotten every Character.


In Order to Make up for the Smaller then Normal Cast there are Multiple Different Weapons a Character can Equip. now most of them only get 1 variation but some of the fan favorites and Important characters. Though I will ask, Why does one of the Original Characters get 3 unique weapons, but Ganondorf only gets 2? And why does Link have 7 Weapons? (Including the Master Sword as it's own thing and not including the 8-Bit weapons)

Ok now onto my Favorite part of the game and is the major Reason why I still have not Completed the Story Mode and that is Adventure mode.

How it Works is it's basically a Board game of Sorts, You go across the Map(Which is 8-bit Variations of Zelda Maps) and Clear a Challenge on a Tile Which will usually be something like "Kill This amount of enemies" or "Kill all of the boss enemies" Once you do you can earn some Item Cards which you can use on the Board to Uncover secrets and allow you to earn more rewards, Like Character Costumes, new Weapons, and even new Characters. This mode is so fun mainly because it's Quick and Easy to Jump into. And this is clearly where most of the content went to, Considering that there are 9 Adventure mode maps, each with their own Challenges, Rewards, and Gimmicks. For example, the Termina Map has a Time Limit, the Twilight map has Tiles that Restrict what you can do, Koholint Island Requires you to Clear specific Challenges before you can Finish it. the Lorule Map has you teleporting across two sides of the map.


This mode is so good.

Oh yea there are also the Companion Fairies which are basically Tomagachi Raising type of deal. which is kinda alright I guess.

So yea, i'm having fun with this Game. That's about it for my thoughts on this game.

See you all later.

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