TF2: Just a Flare Jump

Today I want to Talk About a Interesting Topic Flare Jumping.

In TF2 Pyro has the ability to Flare jump with the Detonator and Scorch Shot. This Feature was Originally a Bug with the Detonator back when the Gun Mettle Update was being Tested back in 2015, Like The Rocket Jump Before it(which is also a Feature that originally was a bug)

These Much Smaller Rocket Jumps Allows Pyro to Reach Higher Places or Make long Jumps.

These are not Effective as Normal Rocket Jumps because the Two Flare guns Require to be Reloaded after every shot.

The Scorch Shot jumps are Very Small and is normally not helpful.

Flare Jumping can allows Pyro to get the High ground Advantage, be used to Escape Or Access Places that Pyro normally cannot, Which allows for More Flanking.

Currently Flare Jumping is only Really useful in Certain Scenarios so it is Very forgettable in that Sense.

However Flare Jumping is not useless. For example if it is mastered a Good Flare Jumping Pyro can Get from the Red Battlements to the Blu Battlements on Hightower in just two Good and Well timed Flare jumps.

Is it Completely Needed to Master Pyro? No not Really, But it can be Fun to Learn it.

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