New 🌏 Equation........ 📱+💻+🎮= Digital Dominance

A BIG shift has been taking place over the last few decades. One that seems to be picking up momentum even as I sit here and type this post. What's the shift you ask? The shift is our entire existence as humans, now exist in the digital realm more than physical. A person can stay in their home for weeks and never come out, because they can order groceries,work,workout,socialize with friends all without ever setting a foot outside of the door. Thats the extent to which technology has grown, you can take care of a multitude of necessities & luxuries from a cell phone or laptop, all at home.A big group that benefits from this technology advance is the video game community, this is where we get excited at Ultimate Gamerz! Gamers now more than ever are the cool kids on the block, for so long being a "nerd", or "gamer" wasn't cool. Now all the nerds are winning because technology has come to the forefront and requires those who understand it to harness its power and create and frontier for humanity moving forward.Technology has given us Cryptocurrency, which is now a staple and heavily used in the gaming community. Gamers can now earn money doing what they love on a phone, tablet,PC,or game console, and craft a niche market for themselves. The gaming industry earns more than the film and music industries combined, and have done so for the last 8 years. Yea, wow. Technology and its ability to empower the little guy is spreading. Greatness and opportunities by way of combining technology and gaming are where we are in the world now. It's all about being able to see the abstract painting/art and decoding your own interpretation of it. Gaming and its ability to allow gamers to earn money is going to another level with "Play 2 Earn', now more of the common gamers have a chance to earn money doing what they love, not just the big time streamers and gamers. Where will gaming go next?
We over at Ultimate Gamerz look to be able to answer that question in our own way, and hopefully the gaming community will accept us and grow with us!

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