STEEM MONSTERS - Everything you need to know in one place



Everything you need to know in one place

What is Steem Monsters about?

Essentially its an online CCG (collectible card game). Its got some elements from Magic The Gathering, and a lot of unique concepts, as it blends with MMO (massive multiplayer online) / MOBA concepts.

Basically you build a team using your cards. This is similar to building a team for an MMO/Moba.

You have a Summoner card, which determines the size/number of your team.

Each of the cards can have different classes just like in a moba or mmo. Some tank, heal, or assassinate, etc.

The guild is to build a team that will protect your Summoner effectively while destroying the opposing summoner.

That is where the strategy comes in. Which cards you choose, and which positions you put them in matters.

The only thing that many of you might not be used to, is once you build your team, and you initiate a fight, the battle plays out automatically according to the rules/strategy you have preset.

This makes for some interesting results. And just like in MTG or other CCG games, having the most powerful cards does not ensure victory. Strategy is key to success.

I highly recommend you read Steem Monster Rules - 101 by @davemccoy to get a clear understanding of the games mechanics.


Monsters and Summoners hail from 6 different splinters.

img Fire/Red - Ferexians- The Burning Lands
img Water/Blue - Azmarians - AZMARE Islands
img Earth/Green - Lyverians - ANUMUN
img Death/Black - Dark Eternals - MorTis
img Life/White - Khymians - Khymeria
img Dragon/Purple - Gloridax - Draykh-Nahka

Think of this sorta like colors in Magic the Gathering (MTG)

Team Building

A team is composed of a single summoner, and one or more monster cards.

You cannot use multiple copies of a Monster. (unlike say MTG, where you can add 4 of each)

Your teams Splinter type is determined by the Summoner, and your summoner can only summon monsters that are also from their splinter.

Some summoners have a special ability, and can summon monsters from "one" other splinter.

You are given 20 mana to build a team. Each of your monsters and summoners have mana costs.

The team is built with this 20 mana budget.

Battle Mana Caps

Battle Mana Caps pre-determine the size of your team.

So if the Battle Mana Cap is set to 20 for example, then you may only enter Teams that cost 20 mana or less.

Game Modes


PvP 1v1


Card Stats

Mana Cost: mana required to include Monster in Team, found top left corner of the card

img Melee Attack: can only be performed from the 1st position.

img Ranged Attack: any position except the 1st.

img Magic Attack: from any position, cannot miss, bypasses armor

img Speed: Determines turn, Attack Hits, Attack Evades

img Health: Determines HP of monster

img Armor: Absorbs Melee & Ranged DMG. Cannot protect Monster from Magic Attack.


Just like in other CCG's such as MTG for example, some Monsters & Summoners have abilities.

img Flying: Higher chance of evading non flying monsters ranged/melee attacks. (magic always hits)

img Trample: if a monster kills a monster, it performs an additional attack on the next target

img Heal: will self heal some HP at the start of each round

img Group Heal: heals HP for all team mates at the start of each round

img Void: magic attack dmg reduction

img Shield: Melee & Ranged Attack dmg reduction

img Dodge: boosts Melee & Ranged Attack evasion chances

img Poison: successful attacks poison target monster, it takes poison dmg at the start of each round

img Stun: Chance of stunning enemy monster, forcing it to lose its turn this round
img Slow: Slows all enemy monsters by reducing their speed stat

img Blast: ranged/magic attacks that hit all enemy monsters

img Inspire: increase team monsters melee/ranged attack dmg

img Protect: provides armor boost, and protection from fear to all team monsters

img Fear: Once per battle, can cause affected monster to move to the last position.

img Retaliate: Chance of attacking monster that attacked it.

img Enrage: Gain attack dmg when HP is lost

img Sneak: can melee attack from any position, attacks the last enemy monster
img Snipe: Enables monster to attack first enemy monster with ranged or magic

img Magic Reflect: reflects magic damage to the attacking magic monster
img Thorns: Guaranteed melee dmg reflection

img Piercing: dmg exceeding the monsters shield level, will affect the attacked monsters HP

img Weaken: reduces all enemy monsters melee attacks and HP

img Resurrect: cant self rez, resurrects 1st dead monster in battle. Only once per battle

Card leveling

Cards cannot level up mid battle or a Tournament.

You're cards can level up by being combined with duplicate cards, or by gaining XP for participating in battles.

Monsters Level Up Increases stats, may gain new abilities

Summoner Level Up Increases Summoner level, allowing them to summon monsters equal to or less than their level.

Team Ordering

MTG determines strategy by building a deck of 60 cards.

In Steem Monsters you determined strategy by building a team, and choosing their placement on the battlefield.

A monsters position on the battlefield determines how it will behave, and how vulnerable it is to your opponents team actions.

1st Position: Can perform melee attack on 1st position of enemy team only (unless specified otherwise)

All monsters always target the 1st position on the battlefield unless its abilities allow it to attack the backline. (see the abilities like sneak above)

So generally you want a tank in the first position, and your healers and damage dealers further back.

When the 1st monster dies, the next monster after it becomes the next target.

Attack Ordering

The monster with the highest speed value will go 1st

If there is a tie, then the order will be: Magic > Ranged > Melee

If there is still a tie, then the order will be determined randomly.

Game Videos

Official Sites

Official Website:

Official Steemit Page:

Official reddit:

Early backing - Official Sites

Backing Steem Monsters now will get you exclusive rewards and cards that will never be made again.

Kickstarter: Paypal / Credit cards

Fundition: Crypto

Rules / Gameplay Information

#101-1 Steem Monster Rules - 101 (The Beginning)

#101-2Steem Monster Rules - 101 (The Battle Rules)

#101-2Steem Monster Rules - 101 (Your Monster Levels Matter))

Steem Monster Rules - 101 (Amazing Abilities And Strategy To Use Them)

Game Mechanics

Alpha & Beta Card Level Charts

Cheat Sheet

Game Helper Applications

Peak Monsters Informative tools for SteemMonsters. Manage your collection, buy, sell. Browse the market.

Special Events

Steem Monsters Voice Actor Auditions!

Affiliate Program

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