Game Review : League Of Legend - VARUS THE ARROW OF RETRIBUTION



Jinx is the master of League of Legends. Jinx is considered to be a typical example of a killer who is a champion who always appreciates the strength at the end of the game with skills and attacks that normally damage all the armor of the champions. beaten has a very high damage combination, often a target hit by Jinx's skills that can be defeated or near death. Here I will talk about Jinx skills and plays

Riot recently released a video showing Varus as one of the five Darkin survivors in Runeterra. Unlike Aatrox or Kayn, Varus has the ability to fully control the Darkin's power within and is not manipulated by the monster inside the bow. To get this capability, there must be huge secrets behind the Reign of the Arrow. And the secret curtain was ripped up by the comic book with a new MV called Varus: Light In The Heart

Now I will talk about the benefits of the game, to tell you about League of Legends. For those of you who do not know about League of Legends, I will summarize the game to tell you about the game and everything you need to know. I hope that with your review, you will like this in general.

What is League of Legends?

League of Legends is a 3D, third-person multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game.[12] The game consists of 3 current running game modes: Summoner's Rift, Twisted Treeline, and Howling Abyss.[13] Another game mode, The Crystal Scar, has since been removed.[14] Players compete in matches, lasting anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes on average. In each game mode teams work together to achieve a victory condition, typically destroying the core building (called the Nexus) in the enemy team's base after bypassing a line of defensive structures called turrets, or towers.
In all game modes, players control characters called champions, chosen or assigned every match, who each have a set of unique abilities.[15] Champions begin every match at a low level, and then gain experience over the course of the match to achieve a maximum level of 18. Gaining champion levels in matches allows players to unlock their champion's special abilities and augment them in a number of ways unique to each character. If a champion loses all their health, they are defeated, but are automatically revived in their base after enough time passes. Players also begin each match with a low amount of gold, and can earn additional gold throughout the match in a variety of ways: by killing non-player characters known as minions and monsters; by killing or helping to kill enemy players; by destroying enemy structures; passively over time; and through unique item interactions or champion abilities.
This gold can then be spent throughout the match to buy in-game items that further augment each champion's abilities and game play in a variety of ways. Champion experience, gold earned, and items bought are specific to each match and do not carry over to subsequent matches. Thus, all players begin each match on more-or-less equal footing relative to their opposing team. Across matches, players also earn rewards that are applied to their account. Player accounts begin at level one and progress through a maximum level of 30 with experience points earned at the end of every match. As a player progresses they unlock content initially barred to new players.
These include both "summoner spells", abilities to be used in battle, and Runes and Masteries, which provide small statistical power bonuses to a player's champion. Player level is separate from character level; both a level 30 account and a level 5 account would begin at character level 1 at the start of a new game. Playing matches also provides "Influence Points" (IP), a currency that can be used in lieu of "real money" to access certain locked features. In September 2017, Riot announced plans to revamp the system, however; upcoming changes include allowing accounts to level beyond level 30 and reworking IP.[16] Accounts are given rankings based on the Elo rating system, with proprietary adjustments.[17] These ratings are used in automated matchmaking to make games with players of comparable skill level on each team.
Now I will talk about the character, I want to go on and say that if you have any more questions about League of Legends please request below, I will answer all that you ask


As you know, Varus is one of the five Darkin that exists in Runeterra. Unlike Aatrox or Kayn, Varus has the ability to fully control the Darkin's power within and is not manipulated by the monster inside the bow. To get this capability, there must be huge secrets behind the Reign of the Arrow.

With spin and drift memories, As We Fall seems a little confusing to many. So what is the real story behind Varus's reincarnation? See also:

Valmar and Kai are the two warriors of Ionia who met in a mortal battle with a beast in the jungle of Ionia. After that meeting, there was a strong bond between them, they lived together and fought, they knew each other in every way, and gradually the relationship grew.

As Noxus began his invasion of Ionia, as well as all the other warriors, Val and Kai joined Ionia's resistance forces to repel Noxus's advance. Unfortunately, during the battle in Pallas, Kai was mortally wounded and faced death. Knowing that he can not live without Kai, Val brings them to a forbidden temple of Ionia, which houses a water well, to pray for a miracle that can save the one he loves.

But the forbidden temple, the well does not have any miracle, but only the most terrible things that someone can think of in their nightmare. Underneath the well, an ancient monster has been imprisoned for thousands of years, and is trying to escape from its buried creature to find a more vigorous host. Valmar begs the monster to save Kai, giving himself to him.

As Val and Kai immersed themselves in the water, the monster quickly grabbed them and dragged them to the eternal darkness of the lake. At this place, the Darkin begins their invasion of the body. To do this, he had to break up two people, from body to soul. However, this process also led Val and Kai to see each other's minds, sharing memories, senses and thoughts together.

Then when Varus rose from the bottom of the lake, it was something that had never been known. A monster is merged from Valmar, Kai and Darkin ....

Varus joins LeagueOfLegend as a champion with the role of the ADC with the main moves and Q E R skills. Here she must fight with all the other champions


Varus in the game is a passive in his position like the ADC. Varus is very strong with her attacks at a distance when fighting occurs. Varus has the potential to cause very high damage to the defending champion. Varus is also considered a pretty annoying killer. Some players have taken her to major tournaments as ADC. Through the objects If you choose Varus in the game, try to try to structure and support your good teammate with the versatile skills from her.

Living Vengeance

Varus's first skill is "Living Vengeance", which allows Varus to speed up attacks after destroying monsters or to assist in destroying enemies. Varus will gain more attack speed.

This ability gives Varus a surprisingly fast attack speed. If he destroys a monster and then shoots an enemy, his speed will be very fast.

Piercing Arrow

Varus's second skill is "Piercing Arrow", Varus repels for 4 seconds, increasing Piercing Arrow range and damage for the next 2 seconds. Varus can still move while channel but slows down by 20%.
Piercing Arrow is automatically canceled when the channel is over, paying half the mana cost.
Then Varus shoots towards the target, dealing physical damage to all enemies on the path of the arrow.

This ability allows Varus to deal damage from long distances, and more importantly, deals damage with Blighted Quiver's internal damage.

Blighted Quiver

Varus's thrid skill is "Blighted Quiver", ASSIVE: Deals basic damage bonus magic damage and applies Blighted Quiver Blight for 6 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.

Another possibility of Varus consuming Blighted Quiver Blight on enemies is to damage them, dealing them with magic damage to each stack, limited to 360 against monsters.
This ability is Varus's most important skill, which helps him to deal extremely fast damage

Hail of Arrows

Varus's fourth skill is "Hail of Arrows", Varus shoots an arrow that deals physical damage to all enemies in the target area. If the enemy is in the area it will trigger "Grievous Wounds."

This ability allows Varus to maximize damage to enemies and slow down opponents

Chain of Corruption

Varus's last skill is "Chain of Corruption",
Varus discovers a tendency to infect the first enemy, dealing magic damage. The original symbol captures them for 2 seconds and applies 3 Blighted Quiver points. Damage is more than 1.5 seconds.

Upon collision, the ligament searches for nearby enemy soldiers and forms a lanyard for them. If the lanyards are not broken within 2 seconds, they, and apply effects similar to the original target. The fins will continue to spread until there are no champions in the range that have not been affected

This ability allows the Varus to keep up with up to 3 opponents with Blighted Quiver, Varus can kill opponents within 1 second.


Varus is a strong champion with the role of the ADC, with him abilities and abilities to deal with the tremendous damage to Blighted Quiver to speed up hits and Get Excited Speed ​​Boost and
Chain of Corruption . to help him with all he can protect herself. Hands on any enemies without fear. Today I appreciate Varus. with a score of 9/10
And I'm also a person who likes to use Varus in the Rank battle with the recurring jade "Dead Man"
Varus coupled with Lulu will be very healthy

Thank you for reading my article. This is Varus video!

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