Video games a new dimension in programming

The was originally published by The Unfake Media at

I just recently downloaded a video game from the internet and have spent many hours of time playing it. After a while I realized that I just wasted many hours of time that I could have been using to write more posts for this site our to do other practical activities.

After having this video game installed for a few days I realized that it would be best to just delete the game before I waste more time on it.

After deleting the video game I realized that video games are a topic that I wanted to write a post about.

If you look at the video gaming community on the internet and YouTube you will see that it is one of the most ignorant and idiotic groups of people you will find on the internet. Not everyone that plays video games is like this but if you look at the majority this is what you will find. Video games are being used to massively dumb down and indoctrinate the masses into this New World Order.

Movies have and will always be used to push agendas and condition people into the mindset that the elite want people to have. Video games are really just the next dimension in programming people to accept the agendas of globalism. They are pouring so much money into these major videos games that it is no surprise that they are filled with endless amounts of NWO propaganda.

The first surface use of video games by the NWO is to waste people’s time.

The kids of today spend countless hours inside playing video games when they could be outside getting exercise and learning useful skills. It is bad enough how many kids get sucked into wasting time on mindless video games.

But the real scary thing is this trend of 30 year old’s that spend tons of money and time on video games.

These types of people dominate the YouTube gaming “community” and you will find that they all seem to still have action figures and comic books! This perpetual adolescence is one of the NWO’s chief ways of destroying men and women by stopping them from ever becoming functioning real adults.

One of the major agendas that is being pushed by video games is the trans-humanist agenda.

A very popular game called Overwatch is one of the games that is filled with trans-humanism and they use it to make people who play the game think that getting new “super” body parts and brain-chips will be really cool and awesome.

There is a lot of discussion on if playing violent video games will cause people to be violent and there is some proof that exposing yourself to that kind of thing will have a negative influence on you but that is not something that we are going to go in-depth about since these other agendas that are being pushed are far more dangerous.

Something that is being jammed down everyone’s throat is the LGBTPQNSFWXYZ agenda and you will find this everywhere and also video games have become jam-packed with this type of LGBT programming. Grand Theft Auto is a good example of this; in the game you will find that they normalize pedophilia and lots of other LGBTPQNSFWXYZ madness. The teddy bear is used in GTA to symbolize mind control and pedophilia and this can be seen in the teddy bear called Mr Raspberry Jam.

LGBT agenda programming is found in tons of video games and many of the other agendas of the New World Order will be found in lots of video games. Here is a link to a post we did about agenda 2030 which is one of the major NWO goals.

NWO programming is everywhere, and we must protect ourselves from it and wake other people up to the truth of how the elite are conditioning people into this New World Order.

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