Dwarf Fortress - The Merchants of Steem: Profiles


It's been more than a week since of done one of these Dwarf Fortress posts so I thought it was about time to give you all some updates. I'm waiting until the basic areas of the fortress are built before I write up chapter two, hopefully it'll all be done before next week. One of the major things I want to have is a bedroom for each dwarf and to have a large dining hall. So far I have about seven or eight bedrooms, which is enough for the dwarves named here, but we've had two waves of migrants so there are a few dwarves needing bedrooms still. The dining hall has been carved out but still needs to be cleaned out and furnished before it's open for business.

So, in this post I'm going to introduce the major players so far. These Dwarves are the true Merchants of Steam Steem. If you would like to count yourself among them just leave a comment on this post. Anyway, enough of the house keeping, let's get this show on the road.

Read Chapter 1 here

The Merchants of Steem:

in alphabetical order

@chasmic-cosm - Miner

“I finished up some work. That was very satisfying!”
Brief Description:
She is 69 years old, born on 22nd of Limestone in the year 181.
Her nose bridge is very convex. Her very short hair is neatly combed. Her slightly rounded bronze eyes have thin irises. Her ears are somewhat narrow. Her hair is dark chestnut. Her skin is sandy taupe.

@chasmic-cosm likes ash glaze, brass, kunzite, shields, thrones, turkeys for their gobble and swans for their beauty. When possible, she prefers to consume giant olm and sunshine. She absolutely detests purring maggots.

@ggteixeira - Herbalist

“I feel so good!”
Brief Description:
She is 65 years old, born the 7th of Felsite in the year 185.
Her very long is neatly combed. Her teeth are widely-spaced. Her somewhat narrow bronze eyes have thin irises. Her nose is short. Her hair is dark brown. Her skin is sandy taupe. Her ears are free-lobed.

@ggteixeira likes ash glaze, rose gold, red tourmaline, crystal glass, blind cave bear tooth, the colour maroon, short swords, anvils, geese for their formation flying, the sound of The Tresses of Tone and the sight of The Scintillating Musics. When possible, she prefers to consume emperor penguin, papaya wine and Bambara groundnuts. She absolutely detests toads.

@heymattsokol - Carpenter

“One should always respect the law.”
Brief Description:
He is 71 years old, born on the 13th of Granite in the year 179.
He is very fat. His sideburns are clean-shaven. His long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is arranged in double braids. His hair is clean-shaven. His thin-irised bronze eyes are slit. His nose bridge is convex. His ears are somewhat splayed out. His hair is dark tan. His skin is sandy taupe.

@heymattsokol likes calcite, bismuth, violet spessartine, river otter leather, warthog hoof, the colour green-yellow, beds, cats for their aloofness, giant sparrows for their dust baths, the sound of The Saffron Petals and the sight of The First God. When possible, he prefers to consume sailfin molly, garden cress, potato wine and mog juice. He absolutely detests slugs.

@jakerjoker - Woodworker

"I'm feeling optimistic about the future."
Brief Description:
She is 158 years old, born on the 15th of Moonstone in the year 92.
Her nose is extremely long. Her ears are very splayed out. Her thin-irised bronze eyes are bulging. Her very long hair is tied in a ponytail. Her head is extremely narrow. Her hair is white. Her skin is sandy taupe.

@jakerjoker likes cobaltite, brass, amber opal, giant orca leather, linen fabric, linen paper, leather armour, crowns, reindeer for their large herds, giant puffins for their colourful beaks and the words of The Persuasion of Rights. When possible, she prefers to consume artichoke wine and mung beans. She absolutely detests toads.

@kiv - Mason

“I need some more excitement in my life.”
Brief Description:
He is 153 years old, born on the 23rd of Moonstone in the year 97.
His sideburns are clean-shaven. His extremely long moustache is arranged in double braids. His very long beard is arranged in double braids. His hair is clean-shaven. His hair is white. His skin is sandy taupe. His eyes are bronze.

@kiv likes stoneware, copper, green jade, chestnut wood, alpaca wool, pig tail paper, the colour violet, battle axes, the sound of The Saffron Petals and the sight of The Scintillating Musics. When possible, he prefers to consume turnip plants, single-grain wheat beer and dwarven sugar. He absolutely detests brown recluse spiders.

TheWalrus ( @jphenderson ) - Stonecrafter

“I encountered a fascinating conundrum recently.”
Brief Description:
He is 55 years old, born on the 18th of Hematite in the year 195.
His sideburns are clean-shaven. His very long moustache is arranged in double braids. His very long beard is neatly combed. His very long hair is neatly combed. His short nose is hooked. His bronze eyes have thin irises. His hair is gold. His skin is sandy taupe.

TheWalrus likes limonite, iron, golden beryl, giant snowy owl tooth, gems, the sound of The Tresses of Tone and the sight of The Scintillating Musics. When possible, he prefers to consume skunk, lungfish, lama cheese, pineapple wine and cottonseed oil. He absolutely detests snails.

@winstonalden -Miner

(I guess winstonalden doesn't talk in his sleep)
Brief Description:
She is 77 years old, born on the 9th of \felsite in the year 173.
Her thin-irised wide-set bronze eyes are narrow. Her hair is straight. Her very long hair is neatly combed. Her ears are free-lobed. Her eyebrows are somewhat high. Her hair is charcoal. Her skin is sandy taupe.

@winstonalden likes native gold, iron, aquamarine, the colour peach, mountains, bolts, greaves, backpacks, thrips men for their prolific breeding, beet plants for their edible roots and the sound of The Prime Fury. When possible, she prefers to consume ostrich, potato wine and sheep’s milk. She absolutely detests bats.

Ok, that's that. I hope I didn't leave anybody out.

And remember, if you want a dwarf named after you just leave a comment.

P.S: If there are any police sketch artists, or just any artists in general, that would like to try drawing some of these dwarves from the descriptions provided, please go for it, I would love to see some artist's renditions of these characters.

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