Are Consoles/Handhelds On Their Last Leg?

PC is great, and i am never going back.

Seems these days Consoles like the Playstation, Wii, And Xbox are really on their last leg. They just cant support the games people want to play. They cost way too much because of the price it takes to mass produce. As of this year, Microsoft has announced there new system, and reviews are not looking good. With little upgrades from its predecessors, fans to the Xbox are switching over, and not to Playstation. A lot of gamers are making the jump to a computer. A pc can last you a lifetime as long as you upgrade every few years. A lifetime of consoles could cost you thousand, while a pc stays far under that budget.

The handheld scene just does not have the same lust as before. People have phones, and laptops now that can run all the games of a handheld. Company's today like Samsung have steadily been producing better, more powerful phones; while company's like Nintendo seem to produce the same thing every year. In my opinion, the last high quality handheld release was the PS VITA. Although this handheld was able to run games like killzone, borderlands, and call of duty; it seems it was not as popular as Sony hoped. The latest attempt at a handheld, was not even a handheld in its own. The Nintendo Switch was a handheld and a console mixed. While i have has 0 experience with this device, i can tell you that the reviews are mixed. I think the only reason it received the praise it did, was because it was a step up for the Wii.

(My PC)

Only time can tell where these two genres will go, and i hope they make a move for the better. I still enjoy consoles dont get me wrong, but i think they are starting to die out.

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