Info on game idea

Okay, it's been a while since I've posted so, I've decided to finally divulge more on my desires for my game

So far I've a few ideas for biomes, equipment, mechanics, block size.


For biomes I've decided on a biome specifically centered around bees, bee knights, be drones, wax blocks, honey blocks, water made of honey. Bee knights will wear special armors, and wield javalins, while drones won't wear any armor and will wield swords. more creatures for the biome will be thought of as the planning continues. The boss of the biome will be a queen bee, it'll be a concept based around Skeletron from Terraria and Vespiqueen from Pokemon, possible more influences will be used as time goes on.

A maple biome, water will be unrefined maple syrup, the creatures in the biome will be neutral critters, and aggressive trees that mimic the farmable trees til attacked.

And an organic biome, the waters will be blood colored(or possibly actual blood, on the fence), the creatures for the biome will be cell based, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, antibodies.

There will also be the usual forest, desert, ocean, mushroom, and grassland biomes.


For NPCs, there will be mages, they will either give random tidbits(take with a grain of salt) about magic, or magic creatures, sell you items for magic. Knights, they'll be too busy to give you the time of day. Blacksmiths who will give you tips(take with a grain of salt) on what type of melee weapon to use against creatures, sell you weapons, along with possible enhancement items. Shopkeepers who will be running general stores, possible gossip. Jesters, who will tell jokes, sell joke items, and just be bizzare. Explorers will be found exploring underground, primarily.


Equipment will be organized into the following types, helmet, face, neck, torso, wrists, hands, pinky finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb(requires a skill), belt, legs, feet, primary, offhand, and the respective costume slots, along with dye slots. Each finger slot will be for rings, certain rings will be equippable on only specific fingers.

There will be random gas clouds that will be harvestable, or clearable from an area. Poison gas, steam, etc.

Towns will be randomly generated in each realm/world, the player will be able to break blocks within town, but, don't expect to get away with it.

Currently set on blocks being 32x32px, player character being 1.5xblock.width, and 2.5xblock.height, the block collision for the player will be 2blocks wide, and 2 blocks high.


So far, I am unable to get on the coding, til I can find some income to replace computer parts, the parts in my computer aren't being made anymore, that I need replaced, so, I'll have to replace with newer parts, and won't be cheap with the current cyrptomining rush.

The rest of my ideas will be kept on a need-to-know basis, for now. I hope you like my ideas so far. Any tips, ideas, or suggestions will be appreciated and considered.

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