Fans write off Cyberpunk 2077 because it is FPS

You know sometimes the video game community as a whole can rub me the wrong way. Bitching and moaning about a game we have seen zero gameplay footage of and only seen CGI rendered footage and trailers. Yet when Bethesda announced Elder Scrolls VI with only a CG trailer and no gameplay footage people lost their shit. So recently CD Projekt RED recently announced that their latest project Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be an FPS RPG game. And as you can guess most people aren’t happy:


Don’t you just love it when people on social media comments sections are telling a company like CD Projekt RED who have already proven themselves multiple times as a trustworthy developer and publisher how they think Cyberpunk 2077 should be. The very same developer that brought us the amazing Witcher franchise. So I really don’t get this dislike. What’s not to like about a first-person cyberpunk RPG? Have these people never enjoyed any of the Deus Ex games?

[Editorial Note:] I personally would have preferred a third person styled game, but I am still more than happy with an FPS game. It is definitely not a reason to write the game off completely…

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