Splinterlands: Last time in the Champion league?

We have come to the end of another season on Splinterlands. I have done the daily challenges just about every day and gained a few nice cards, but sometimes I would just get one or two cards plus DEC and potions. The extra DEC has allowed me to upgrade a few cards. I aim to level up more summoners to Level 5 so I can exploit my cards better. I made it to Champion II again, but this may be the last time that happens for some time.

Champ II
Of my 120 'loot chests' 36 were cards with a few rare and epic plus one legendary (valued at $1.86).


I got about 2000 more DEC. I could buy another pack, but do not quite have enough for an Azmare Dice pack. I am wondering how useful that would be to me if it means starting from scratch with a different set of cards. I went for buying another summoner card instead.

The reason I may not make Champion again is the implementation of colleciton power. The total value of your cards affects what leagues you can play in. Mine total just over 200k, so I can get to Gold I once this comes into play. @splinterlands say it is scheduled for tomorrow, but the season started today and I am currently in Diamond II. If Gold I is the best I can do then I can only win up to 30 chests each season and my daily winnings will decrease too.

So it looks like this change could be a disincentive for many people to keep playing. Those who got in early or spent a lot of cards can keep winning hundreds of cards with less competition from us commoners. One advantage of the change is that most of the 'bot' accounts will make even less as they seem to keep a minimal set of cards to use. This one could not rise above Silver III.


I will have to see how it goes in the coming months. I really play for fun rather than profit. Meeting less bots could make it more fun, but I will not be able to level up as quickly. I am not looking to spend other funds on cards for now.

How do you feel about this change?

If you are not already playing you can start here. You will have to buy some cards to start playing, but I can delegate cards to people who use my referral link.

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