We supported them with money, they give us more shit. Thank you video game companies...

I don't know about you, but I remember the days when the piracy of video games was so much higher than it is now. Despite that, as we, gamers, grew up, we realized that it would be a nice thing to support the companies because, you know, they supply us with hours of fun, enjoyable stories, you got to know certain characters that you just couldn't ever imagine on your own. What I don't understand is, WHAT DID WE DO WRONG? 

Ok, I get it, the companies are getting bigger, the projects become more complex, they need more money...Ok...$60 / game... well shit... ok... But wait a fucking second! 

Ok ok, the projects are more complex, but the fucking technology is more complex too. You don't have to write code from scratch, you already have tones of assets, code presets, automatic lighting and all that kind of bullshit at a few clicks away. Why the fuck do you need more money? For testing? HAHA! What a good fucking joke... I see floating trees even in the best titles of this decade like Witcher 3, and not only that, but sometimes the horse gets stuck like a retard in some broken fences... 

  • We give them money, they give us DLC, which in the old days was a free fucking "Add on" as it was called.
  • We give them money, they give us in game fucking currency which you can buy with real world money. Lucky us, I can't wait to pay an extra $10 for a fucking coat. 
  • We give them money, they give us bugged but playable games, only if you have the latest shit in terms of hardware you can maybe get a 50fps at medium settings... Motherfuckers, I don't mind if you just keep on delaying a title as Rockstar did with GTA V on pc, but at least give me something worth paying for...
  • We give them money, they give us the same recycled shit (COD, AC, Farcry etc). I understand the gameplay needs to be similar because that is what made the title popular, but don't just sell me the same shit with a different color of brown for fuck sake...


Only if I knew what I was about to support, I swear to you I wouldn't even bought fucking counter strike 1.6...

To be noted, I still have respect for some STUDIOS, but for game companies? Nah, fuck that... This shit grew into an unstoppable cancer... 

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