My top 10 games of all time. # 1

This is probably going to be a very hard list to create because I have spent my whole life pretty much playing games. I was born in 88 so I have played everything from 2d to something that came out last year. So many games that I spent hours and hours upon and they will not get the cut because these games meant so much to me when I played them some of them changed my life. It might be silly to say that or to think that but I litterally had a change of thought after I played a game. Some of them made me bond with peers around my age. Some of them showed me things that I thought I would never see before. With PSX and N64 I was like woah these are some nice graphics. Forward to 2017 I would of been fine if graphics stayed like that forever. Some of them made me escape from the way life was. Some of these games made me think about getting into developing games myself. But as a person I am not one to be super crazy with perfection so coding would be a problem. Music I could do and I have a love of music and sounds but it is not the main goal in my life.

I will be doing 5 games today and 5 games at another time in the near future.

Banjo Kazooie.

Why do I love the game?

I was really into platforming games in middle school. I would spend hours mastering 2d and 3d platformers. I saw these games as fun as you would try to get higher and higher. Not a lot of these games offered much of adventure and searching for things. Banjo Kazooie changed that for me. It allowed a combination of adventure and platforming. Not the hardest of platformers by no means. But you could do the challenges when you wished to. Whenever a new level opened the atmosphere of the game changed dynamically for every level. The atmosphere of the game brought me in more and more.
The music also was stellar and had its own unique style that made itself a staple for the series and for the game company creating the game itself! The games had a lot of secrets that you had to go into the game deeply to figure out.

The music style of Banjo - Kazooie

It also had great humor.

This is in a E game

it sounds like the pot is saying fuck you when you shit an egg into it. Turn it up if you cannot hear it.

Something more subtle

My favorite level

Mad Monster Mansion

Could I ever replay this game ever again?

No unless it was remastered with new graphics.
It is to slow going for me now and too repetitive with collecting 100 notes in all levels.
Maybe if a new game other then yooka laylee comes out like BK i will give it a run.
I still have yet to pick the game up!

Legend Of Zelda Links Awakening

Why do I love this game

I got this game before legend of zelda alttp so it was my entry to the 2d zelda games. I got it for the original gameboy and I got it again for GBC. It was the game that got me into adventure games! I played ALTTP but I still think that I ENJOY loz la more because it was my first 2d zelda. ALTTP might be regarded better and bigger. But I consider them the same level of game. I did not complete LA when it first came out because I lost my cartridge but when the GBC one came out I was roaring to complete it. I played through it again forgot about where I was in the game and fell in love again. It had secrets it had a adventure it had a unique storyline that was not mainline legend of zelda. It was a change of pace for the series. It even had platforming parts and fishing. Reminded me much of mario with the platforming parts. That is only for little portions in levels. You had to use your skills to figure out puzzles and kill off all the enemies to get farther into the game like all LOZS we all know how it works. You had to explore the world and collect musical instruments to wake up the windfish??? I think that is the name for the dude I am supposed to be waking up!

Color Dungeon legend of zelda links awakening GBC

Look at this beautiful intro

The music is phenomenal/ The dungeon design is supreme!

Could I play this game today

Till the end of time
Probably will not go through it all though.
Looking forward to a romhack that takes this base game and converts it to a n64 title!

Counter-Strike 1.6/Day of Defeat

Why I love these games

I could not choose between either of these games because it was my reintroduction into PC gaming after having a windows 95 computer that I have not played for years.
I am nearing the end of middleschool. Highschool is dawning. I enter a math class with a asian dude with pointy hair that was tipped blue and he has a slipknot shirt on. His name is therraphong or TPOOO for short. We instantly become best friends. I go over to this house he has a PC. I have not played on a PC in years. He went on to play with pros against pros and do as good as them but he always wanted to lead a group of unknown people to the top he chose me a few times to join him.

Play this he says

I get hooked and everytime I go over there I stay up till 6 am playing these games and I have school the next day.
I really like how this game is like a twitch shooter but at the same time you can be passive as well. It was the perfect combination of slow and fast shooting. You could sneak up on a whole group of players and eliminate them one by one with a knife. Or rambo them if you please. Do not expect to have every shot leech onto people like newer games. There was a spray pattern you had to learn for every gun. Every shot mattered. My best quality was shooting people and getting headshots from a long distance. Both teams had a few different guns. Both teams had different objectives 5v5 for CS 1.6 detonation of a weapon and defusal. For DoD it was just capture the flag but it was the most fun capture the flag i ever played.

Quick precise shooting

You ask me if id play this again?

I think these are hands down the best shooting mechanics and gameplay mechanics I ever seen in a first person shooter. But these games are kinda on the deader side. Not cs 1.6 that game is still going strong but you are lucky to find a match with 10 people on DOD and it saddens me. I think that first person shooters should return to this style of mechanics if there is a game that returns to this style of FPS I will get into it in a heart beat.
The level design could be redone again and made bigger and better but I would keep everything else the same.

Phantasy Star Online.

Why I love this game

First off the soundtrack

Sometimes I will just be doing nothing that has to do with video games and the music will swirl through my head like I was playing the game right then and there. A very SCI-FI experience. I think this is the greatest video game OST I ever heard.
Well now to talk about the game itself. Phantasy Star Online was a game that debuted on the dreamcast back in 2000.
It is a mmorpg but not really a mmorpg. It is a grouprpg. The grinding and doing repetitive quests still exists in the game very much so. But what changes that is the fact that you can play this online or split screen. You could also attack your friends and blame it on enemies attacking you. You could make someone lose 5 % of their level and I was a fucking dick. The game was the first online game on the dreamcast and gamecube I believe. As you go higher in level it gets grindier and grindier. It made me appreciate grinding in video games more then I should. You can play 100 hours and not even scale a level. There is 200 levels in the game. You go through zones and they repeat at a higher level. But what keeps you going on in the game is the item upgrades and rare items that you get in the game. They only appear after you go through the game on the lowest level they become super rare on the second difficulty. At the highest difficulty the enemies change into different things.

A red box appears.

What is that.

All people playing the game will rush to this box! It could be something you want or need or a stat increase or a part of something that combines into a super rare item.
Well go talk to this guy

He will reveal the weapon for you.

Sweet now you have this cool looking staff

You can also feed a little pet that gives you little stats when you play.

I hate this part because the enemies only want certain things.

But they can turn into cool things.

Super Smash Brothers Melee

Why I love this game.

I have never ever played this game in my life. Well Only started 16 years ago. Played it on and off and I try to play it atleast once a day now.
I do not have a clue why I enjoy this game so much. Maybe it is the fact that it is twitch gameplay mixed with physics comboing and the sandbox fighting aspect of the game. You create your own combos and a lot of the time it is hard to follow up with a attack. There is so many ways to move and combo avoid and approach. You have to think velocity of your hits on an enemy to combo them. You can hit them hard and far or soft and get in another attack. All these little tricks to make you faster. Maybe it is the fact that all of the characters had unique styles to play as and you wanted to master them all but you chose one character and it suited you forever. I am looking at you peach. WANTED TO SETTLE DISPUTES? fine 1v1 the person. Oh fuck lets put on all items in the game and die from litterally anything I have played this game so much it is part of my hands now. I will litterally convert my skills from this game into other 2d twitch games. I have played some of the best and brightest players this game has to offer. Oh and I give them a fight sometimes i get fucked up though. I go to tournies sometimes and I do well sometimes other times whatever man its cool I had fun. I am the shittiest peach player that has existed
I am getting annoyed with the music toooo much of it. This is one of the most played games at tournaments with the most high number of players entering. Surprising isnt it?

Watch this pikachu go ham on this dude.

Me playing against a person who plays peach who will not play peach against me 1v1. Mayb. Only doubles.

double combo

Will I play this game in the future?

I am playing it right now as we speak.

Now since you know half of my top 5 games you should wait to see the other 5 when I bring out # 2 of this tenner post.
Catch that @sinned

Not me btw
Credit goes to
Video game companies
The people who play these games

I will see you all later
Thank you for checking this post out if you did!

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