Hi STEEMIT, Today i have a review for you on the famous moba League of Legends

So let get started: League of legends it s moba game, u might ask what its a moba ?
Well MOBA means (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) usually u have three lanes where u can go wich are:
Today im going to talk about the game called League of Legends
League of legends its a game who was borned in 2009 and today we are going to see how it evolved and as a great man said if you want to know where the future of something its going at u have to watch the past first!
So that what we gonna do, let skyp into it already!
League of Legends in 2009
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In the first picture we can see the client and the champion pool, as we can see it looks awfull and very old
In the second picture we can see an actually gameplay that small worm its an important piece of the game i would please u to keep that pic in mind because i will need it later.The gameplay sucks full of buggy and ofc the looking its not so attractive
In the third pic we can see the loading screen, this screen is when you got into the game, you choosed your role and your champion and u wait for the actually game to load it looks like its drawn by hand if i would be asked and probably not the best time reaction of the game.
League of Legends 2010
Here we do not have much to talk about because not manny things have changed, the game was quite the same, maybe some items changes and champion balancing but nothing core to the game.
League of Legends 2011

Here the game has improved as we can see:
The client has improved better stability in special
The loading screen has stopped being like drawn by hand as we can see in the pic number one!
The client looks better and in game has been shifted a bit the looking but still not much of a difference
League of Legends 2013
Here the game himself didnt changed but the way people start playing it has changed
Untill this moment no one was very good at the game wasnt exactly a meta or something stronk and something week the game was quite unbalanced
At this time champion pool has changed alot of champions camed in, players starting going competitive and trying and finding new ways to win
This is the era where league in my opinion has start to really become competitive! But still other then that nothing to the gameplay like visual updates .
League of Legends 2014
Nothing new still discovering things and going more competitive, not really something happened to give a opinion about it
League of Legends 2015
Here stuff changes, the visual get better, check that ugly i dont think even scare u dragon from 2011 and start to looking now to the pic number one.
We can see clearly a diference between them the game is shaped
The client looks better and work smoother.
The game actually is good , its in good looking and really makes u wanting to play it
League of Legends 2016
In this year, dear friends game start changing it start getting more complex, dragons are from elements who gived diferents bonus status for the team that slays them
A new creature has added , we can see it in picture 2, that is not the worm that is that is in pic 2 from 2009 that is still in the game looks better im going to show u in a bit
This creature stay in the game only 15 mints and after the baron nashor that worm comes in
Here people already are good at the game , so the game start changing every years so it can be fresh
Here the game add mastery for champion wich show to other players how much u played a champion
Also here u can get free skins from chest and keys, they added this feature wich is completly free u dont have to buy anything just to play the game, so you can enjoy it more.

League of Legends 2017
Here the game get lots of reworks lots of new stuff
Mastery level its incresead to lvl 7
The client its rebuild from the ground and its cool and worth of the generation we are
Events comes in alot of small events comes
The first picture is the worm (baron nashor) from 2009 that i was earlier talked about that im going to show you guys
Here the game its well known, it looks better.
They want to add some new features cool, they already added some like training room, skin collection
And it looks like they are going to add some sort of emoji in game and some voice chat wich is pretty cool
Patches are going monthly so things are changing fast
Every year its start getting like class updates for example in 2016 was assasin updates
Now its tank updates.

Those been said guys why i put you throught all this its to show u the evolution so you can understand that this game is getting better over time and they try to keep it fresh and new for people
I would hightly reccomen this game if i could put a let say a rate of it i would give him 8/10
The game is good but i gived him 8/10 because its complicated and competitive so at first its not going to be easy
But still i love this game its worth trying its worth the time, it does not cost nothing its a free to play game
I think u guys should try.
Thank you for your time and patience untill here.
Love you guys hope u have a good day/night
Soo with those said .SEE You in the fields of JUstice

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