Mortal Kombat 11: What guest characters could be in the game?๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ”ฅ

๐Ÿ’€Hello stemmians today I come to bring you a new post of mortal kombat 11 in which I will talk a bit about the rumors that have been coming out of mortal kombat 11 on what guest characters this game will have in future DLCS or game updates, since the truth has been created and filtered pretty interesting and curious rumors, that said Let's start !!๐Ÿ‘ป


Bienvenida 67.png (13).gifIn the universe of mortal kombat it is very usual to see characters from the world of terror either from other videogames or from the world of cinema, as it has been the case of jason and leatherface in mortal kombat X, or freddy krueger in mortal kombat 9, as It has also been the case that they have been guest characters from other video games such as the god of war Kratos who came as a guest in mortal Kombat 9 with his old design before the God Of War 4, or characters as a predator and alien who were also guest characters in mortal kombat xy who gave many hours of fun and games to users during their departure in mortal kombat x, and as not rumors have not been expected in mortal kombat 11 in which they have created various rumors and curiosities about who could be the guest characters in this installment, one of the most famous names in these rumors has been the enigmatic character of Stephen King the pennywise clown that is, the clown of the pe Lula called "IT" could be a potential candidate to participate in this title as a guest character, and this is due not only to the success of his recent reebot in the world of cinema, but that this character has managed to create more notoriety and recognition in question of months due to its nature and its history since its form of clown is only one of its forms, to attract and scare children at will and of course to get easy prey for its thirst for lethal blood, and much has been speculated about movements could have said characters, what skills would have available in combat, what fatalities, brutalities could be performed within the game, in addition to its variations that although it could be considered could be taken as a small model of previous characters invited to mortal kombat we must bear in mind that the customization and customization of this game of mortal kombat has high emphasis on this aspect and therefore will not be as easy as in previous installments add a guest character just like that to the game, as we must consider all aspects of personalization that have been implemented in this deadly kombat, but of course the study of netherrealm studios nothing is impossible, so the chances of seeing this malevolent clown are quite (14).gif

separador post steeemit 55.png (15).gifAnother name that has become very present and sounded in the rumors that have been leaking over the months is the dark Michael Myers the classic serial killer of horror movies, and this has been rumored more than anything because is a classic character of terror who has not had his debut in mortal kombat like his other counterparts such as Jason, leatherface and freddy krueger, and because he is the character of the slasher category that is still to make his great debut in this great game many people have speculated that this could be the golden opportunity that character needs to shine in mortal kombat and leave us with their mouths open with their brutal movements and brute way to fight and destroy their victims but of course as I said, everything These are just rumors and speculation for now, because as is common in netherrealm studios keep very much in line the information that is coming out regarding the game before your departure official, and I'm aware that some characters in the category slasher could be missing as they could be pigs and manhunt but with its design so dark and grotesque would not be a bad candidate for a game like mortal kombat, or as other characters as they could be chucky although the latter I see very unlikely to achieve some debut in a game as deadly kombat 11, because honestly would not seem very logical to put a character that is virtually a doll and would be somewhat inconsistent so in this case discard equivalent or similar characters as to the already named, because they could not be taken as seriously or cause an effect of impact as great as could Michael Myers, and it would be great that said character will enter as a guest in mortal kombat 11 and with his classical piano music that caused so much terror to generations for so many years and it would certainly be a good idea to give it some recognition and notoriety d to more public of this (16).gif

separador post steeemit 58.png (17).gifA name that has also been heard many times in the voices of fans and fans is the T-1000 or better known as the terminator, so is the science fiction character of the movie with the same name, and is that many people have been waiting for the debut of this science fiction character in mortal kombat and there have even been fans who have commented that they would love to see that character with the classic look that actor Arnold Schwarzenegger gave him in the famous terminator movie with his iconic phrase "Hasta la vista baby" or "I am back" since the wait or rumors about this character debuting in mortal kombat 11 come from mortal kombat x since at the time it was rumored that said character would be revealed in a new update or DLC of character, and in mortal kombat x many people watching and analyzing silhouettes in trailers previous to that launch of the kombat pack many began to take out theories or rumors that T-1000 would be in has updated and ended up being erroneous because that character was a technological organism and a good character, but it was triborg that are 3 characters merged into 1, cyrax, sector and smoke, and with some variations that included the cyber sub -zero mortal character 9 who died at the hands of sindel also without mercy, so it is possible that we can finally see the classic terminator in this deadly kombat 11 as a playable and customizable character within the mortal universe kombat, but everything is waiting that the game is released, and that we also explain how many new mechanics implemented to the game will work, as it could be the krypta, since it has been rumored that it will be very very big compared to other deliveries and that this will have new functions and modadilades so that we can play with our (18).gif

separador post steeemit 56.png (20).gifAnother name that has been named by the fans and community, has been that of pinhead that is, this terrifying character who carries with him all his cranial and facial area full of nails embedded in his face, has been taken into account by the community of mortal kombat to fulfill the role of guest character for this new title, since its terrifying appearance and abilities would make it a difficult and worthy opponent of the universe of mortal kombat, since the possibilities of its normal blows, beats improved with meter, its fatal blow, his fatalities could have an interesting aspect due to all the skills that this character has for some time, and because of its so gloomy and sinister it would be easy to create a definitive character and have a terrifying and threatening aspect of the game, pinhead would be a very good candidate for mortal kombat since this is a character who has no mercy or compassion for anyone and only acts for their own interests, and this would be something interesting to see in mortal kombat, in addition to seeing the different types of customization that we could give to pinhead, as well as some other skin that completely change the appearances of a character like pinhead, the truth that sounds quite interesting, no doubt Some pinhead would not be a bad choice to participate in that game and see its full potential in intense battles against offline and online characters, but as I said all this depends on netherrealm studios although something we can say is that this study when He really proposes it always ends up impressing his fans, players and even new public, so nothing could be impossible inside the possibilities of mortal kombat 11 and with the great work that netherrealm studios are using in this game, it just remains to wait these weeks and that soon the official day of departure of the game arrives, and that we can see there, first all the rooster complet or from mortal kombat 11, and followed by this expect that extra content has us prepared netherrealm (19).gif

separador post steeemit 57.png (21).gifAnd here's the post of stemmians today, I hope you enjoyed it and I have entertained you above all, follow me if you like my content to not miss anything in your feed of steemit, without more to say I wish you good morning evenings or nights, ยกยก Until another time!! (22).gif

all the gifs and images that you see in this post are editions made by me, the sources of the respective content other than the steemit site have their sources below each of them, credits to their official (23).gif (24).gif

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