Stormblades - A screen swiping review

After a great review of Stormblades by @triverse I figured I would give it a try myself. I started off with only the information I had read and jumped right in.


The enemies look a bit God of War-ish. Nothing wrong with that, just giving you a visual reference. They are all a temple protector looking type with various weapons and different attack patterns.


Your end goal for a stage is to run through all the protectors u til you get to the boss at the end and kill him. Voila, rinse and repeat. About what you might expect from a mobile game. I don't say that in a bad way, most games are repetitive in nature.


You attack directionally based on the way you swipe the screen on your phone/tablet. Which is something to keep it mind, as attacks are directionally based so is tour blocking. You block with your attacks themselves, and when you get good at predicting incoming attacks you can just continuously swipe in that direction to block it. But that doesn't mean that the monsters don't change up their attacks, but you will get good at looking at their 'tells' for which direction they will be attacking from.


You move along levels in a very linear way. You continue progressing gaining relics, which you get 1-3 based on your performance in the level. Based on how many relics you have you are compared progress wise with other people and given an actual percentage rating.


You also will get an opportunity on occasion to fight named bosses, which grants the opportunity to earn bonus relics.


There are a number of upgrades you can get for your weapon. You can buy new swords and level them up for bonus perks like additional damage or higher crit rate.


Overall if you enjoy action oriented mobile games then Stormblades is an excellent choice. It's free to play, a great time sink, and is entirely playable without spending a dime. I enjoyed playing it, I suggest it, and I hope you enjoy.


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