Noob: Learning gaming

Boys in general are more prone to be gamers than girls. But it doesn't mean girls can't be interested in gaming as well. there are famous gamers I know as well. Since I'm in the try everything I want phase right now, I'm giving this a chance.

I had been playing the regular games like candy crush I played harvest moon as well.

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Also I played Dota 2, with my boyfriend @agentgraham with bots as practice. He just wants to see me gaming since he wants to share how it makes him happy. I enjoyed even if we played one game for 2.5 hrs and my neck hurt. haha

Anyway today I want to share with you guys the new game that got me hooked. I only started yesterday. And I'm loving it.

I know it's an old game but as a beginner I want to start with simple game play.

You can actually customize your avatar with numerous options from face, hair and clothes.

Now I'm inside the game world. Thank God I have @agentgraham walking me through the process.

I still have a lot of quests to do. Also I'm so bad at directions so that's another reason I'm playing these kinds of games. It takes a lot of time for me to follow the map and remember the locations and the people. Haha.

But as said practice makes perfect.

So anyone who wants to start trying new things particularly gaming, just remember it may be confusing at first but with the right amount of patience and dedication you will be able to enjoy it. Hopefully I get all my quests done.

If you can give any advice to me about this topic don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Will post again. Gotta play now. :)

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