The Worst Bomberman Game Ever - Bomberman: Act Zero - Positives - Rerez

A lot of us out there are huge fans of the Bomberman franchise, a long-running game series that basically has been on every game system out there and it's awesome. It's really fun. It's like a puzzle game in an action game and it's just great. But one game came out in the franchise that was universally panned by game journalists and even longtime fans of the franchise. Bomberman Act:Zero. Nobody and I mean nobody can find anything good about this game. So let's find the positives.

The Bomberman series has always been a light-hearted fun affair with lots of really good bright colors. And honestly despite the fact that you're running around in a grid throwing bombs everywhere it's actually really nice looking. Take a look at this:


See this is how the game is supposed to look but for some reason the guys over at Hudson Soft and Konami decided to make a game that looked like this:


If I didn't know any better I'd say that's a gimp suit the character is wearing. For some reason they actually thought Bomberman needed one of those. And even the Bomber-ladies in this game are also wearing gimp suits. This is some really strange BDSM stuff going on in here which really doesn't feel like it's appropriate for children. Regardless though this game is worse for a couple of other things. One big problem being that there's 99 levels and I defy you to find the difference between any of them because each and every stage looks exactly the same. And you don't know how boring that can be. But let's say you get through all the 99 stages then that's it. Game over. There's nothing else. There's like a little text screen that pops over top and just tells you that you escaped out of this hole. Cool! This game is pretty bad.


Every Bomberman game I've ever played that wasn't an adventure game has featured a top-down perspective that's pretty much become synonymous with the series. But for the first time they’ve included a third-person camera perspective. It has a three quarter overhead view but you can also switch it back to classic Bomberman view. Now I know a lot of people seem to not like that perspective so much but personally I found it really interesting. So the first positive is that this game has a new camera angle. One of the staples of the Bomberman series in general is it's always had fantastic control and this game follows suit. It has incredible control all the way through. It doesn't feel sluggish or weighted your character just moves where you need them to move. And the attacks and all the abilities that you have are very easy to access. So the second positive is that this game has great controls. I know this game gets a lot of flack because people think it doesn't play like a regular Bomberman game but it does. The gameplay is excellent. Everything that you find in the game, all the gameplay elements, are just like a real Bomberman game that would have come out before this and even the ones that came out after it. There's really not much here that changes too much in gameplay besides one thing that we're going to talk about next. But everything else about the game, the power-ups, the bombing abilities, well all that is right here. This is just like an original Bomberman game so the gameplay is actually pretty good and it respects the series. So the third positive is that this game has good gameplay. The graphical style of this game is not great. The games got repetitive levels, terrible graphics and some sexual fetish that I don't even want to identify but you know what it does do really well? There's one feature, one weird feature in this game that for some reason just makes it right. This game has this one thing and I love it, the life bar. In past Bomberman games if you got hit with one bomb, one explosion, it was game over but now you have multiple chances to get your opponent. You can take multiple hits! So the fourth positive is that this game has a really cool life bar system.


At the end of the day this game isn't one of the best out there. In fact it's probably one of the worst if not the worst Bomberman game you could ever play. But this game has a couple of really cool features. In fact one feature, that life bar system, really does stand out on its own. So if you ever get the chance to play Bomberman Act:Zero don't. It's still pretty bad.

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