League of Legends Patch highlights (Patch 7.24) - New skins and gamemodes(!), META changes

Hello there, Steemit commnity!

Another fortnight has passed since the last patch, so we all know what time it is...


If you don't (shame on you!), today is the day of the new patch 7.24, the second patch into the pre-season.

{I won't babble on too much (I hope) and Ill try to be as concise as possible}

Winter skins & new Hextech skin

The Christmas season is here! So, there are 3 new Christmas based skins are dropping in this patch: Santa Draven, Ambitious elf Jinx and Snow Fawn Poppy!


Also the new Kog'Maw hextech skin will be released which can only be gained through the exchange of 10 gemstones (they're way too rare D:)

AR URF is back!!! 

The most popular featured gamemode where all the cooldowns of most abilities are reduced by 80% and there are no mana costs! A real frenzy where everyone's face is rolling on their keyboard!

Champion (Mini) Reworks

Zyra (my main champion!) - In short, her plants have become weaker in health, but more seeds spawn through her passive and her W cooldown is reduced by champion kills/assists (so even more seeds can be planted!)

Morgana - Changed passive to Morgana healing for a percentage of her damage on an ability that hit a champion or a large enemy minion/monster. Her W cooldown reduces by 5% when the passive is triggered.

Champion buffs/nerfs (Advanced - this is kinda boring tbh but still worth knowing)

You'll find that these changes are very minute, but trust me, in game, these tweaks have massive impacts!  

Aurelion sol - Reduced Ultimate  cooldown (CD) - 10 seconds reduction in all ranks 

Bard - Health regeneration increased by 2.5 per second. +10 damage on passive

Camille - Longer Passive. Q ability's "time to reactivate" longer


Darius- Passive damage increases based on rank now rather than being static 

Ezreal - Damage ratio reduced from 1.2 of your Attack Damage (AD) to 1.1 of your AD

Galio - Passive ability ratio reduced, W - more damage to taunted, E - Cooldown lower

Ivern - Passive costs less percentage max health

 Jarvan IV- Passive and Q damage decreased.

Karthus - Ultimate ability power (AP) ratio increased by 0.15

Leona- W damage decreased by 20 at all ranks

Malzahar - Ultimate damage decreased (only base damage by 0/25/50 - Level based)

Maokai - Q damage decreased by 5 and then +5 depending on rank (max rank = -25)

Ornn - W damage reduced by 25 (all ranks) and CD increased by 1 (all ranks) 

Riven - Q damage increased by 5 (all ranks)

Shen - Q bonus damage decreased by 10 (all ranks)

Sona - Q Mana cost up by 15 (all ranks) and aura base damage down (but AP ratio up)

Taric - base armor down by 5

Xin Zhao - Base health down by 30 , W second hit AD ratio down by 0.1

Yorick - base AD down by 3

 Zoe (Thank God!!) - W spells duration down by half, E range down but sleep is longer

Rune Changes (Advanced - just basically more boring notes!)

Precision - 

Press The Attack system change, 

Lethal Tempo CD lowered, 

Fleet footwork  base heal reduced but AD and AP ratio up and more heal off Critical strikes

Overheal shield up

Triumph heal down

Presence of mind duration up


Eyeball collection gains only 1 eyeball off assists


Phase rush gives slow resistance to ranged champs as well as melee

Celerity speed down 1%


Mirror shell magic resistance up by 1

Revitalize boosts shield and heals on the user 


Kleptomancy no longer gives +25 range and loot becomes less varied as time progresses in a game

And those are the main highlights of this new patch. I'm glad to see most of these changes as the weak and the strong are given some temporary balance. I'm really excited to play the new AR URF gamemode again - I've been waiting for a while now!

Are you guys glad to see these changes by Riot? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for Reading,


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