[@pungogame #29] Back Story Hilda Mobile legendas and Gear Hilda recommendations - English

Back Story Hilda Mobile legendas and Gear Hilda recommendations

Back story Hilda


Good night lover game moba especially lagends mobile game lovers who like to use tanks. On this occasion I would like to tell you a bit about Hilda's story in mobile game lagends. And the gear recommendations I use when playing hilda. .


In the barren Megalith Wastelands, as far as the eye can see only the giant rocks and rare bushes, but this lonely land is where Hilda and his people call it home.

The infertile land in the land requires everyone in the clan to become a good hunter to get the precious meat. Born with extraordinary powers, Hilda soon became the leader of the hunting group and led his men to harvest large amounts of food.


However, an unknown force in their area made the animals go crazy and also became increasingly difficult to hunt. Eventually, the beasts began to attack the clan.


When the terrible premonitions feared by the head of the family began to come true, Hilda was forced to find a new habitat. With the hopes and dreams of his tribe on his back, he headed to the Land of Dawn,


and with his precious hunting experience, he became a mercenary with outstanding reputation and expertise. His only hope is to find a new home for his people and fight for their future

Gear Recommendation


This is a gear recommendation that I use for Hilda might be useful for mobile game lovers legends especially player tanks that use Hilda.

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