Pokemon Ultra Moon - Breeding machine for the sake of trades

I've been playing Pokémon Ultra Moon on my 3DS for a while now and it's about time for me to start writing about it.

A complete review will have to wait, because right now, I want to tell you about my pokémon breeding in 'Pokémon Ultra Moon'.

(My trainer picture)

About pokémon breeding
Pokémon breeding isn't completely new. In previous versions, you would deposit pokémon at the day care or nursery and they would level them for you. You could deposit a maximum of two pokémon and if you deposited two compatible pokémon, one male, one female, they would eventually have a very good time together and create you an egg.

This egg would then have to hatch and in able to do that, you would have to carry it with you and basically walk a lot. You could give up a slot in your team and just continue on your adventures, or you could run around like a mad (wo)man until the egg hatched.

(I always did the latter.)

This would either give you the same kind of pokémon as the parents (I think I read somewhere that it would be the species of the female with the moves of the male), or it would give you the baby version of the parents. Think Pichu, instead of Pikachu.

In Ultra Sun and Moon, you can also leave your pokémon with a couple of kind strangers. They are on a ranch this time and they are completely focussed on breeding. No more leveling there, which also helps a lot in cutting back the costs. It always costs $500 to get your pokémon back, while previously, it all depended on how many levels they had gained.

Pokeball Pokemon breeding

About pokémon trading
I bred pokémon once in a while and started doing more of that once I discovered the global trade system. With this you can do a 'Wonder trade', where you send a pokémon to a random person and receive a random pokémon in return. You can also do a specific trade (GTS), where you can offer up a pokémon and ask for a certain one in return. Or, you can browse between other player's offered pokémon and hope you find a player that wants one of yours in return.

I always enjoy doing wonder trades. I offer up unwanted pokémon and I get random ones in return. Some turn out to be awesome pokémon, while others are unwanted and get traded again.

Recently, I started checking out the specific trades. This is where I checked certain pokémon I wanted (like Jolteon or Zapdos), to see if anyone wanted one of mine in return. I browsed through many and found out that some of the pokémon I owned were actually wanted from time to time.

Well that's wonderful news! I need copies!

So, I decided to start breeding these specific pokémon.

Ditto Pokemon gaming

That's where ditto came in. In Pokémon Ultra Moon, you will eventually visit a town where there are two ditto's disguised as townspeople. You battle them and either kill them or capture them. Well I couldn't kill them ofcourse, because they are way too valuable!

Not only are ditto's wanted on many trades, they also help you out with breeding.

See, ditto can turn into anything it sees. So when I leave a pokémon at the breeders, I can add ditto as the second pokémon and they will get along as if they were exactly the same kind! So I don't need a mommy and a daddy anymore, I just need one parent and a ditto.

Now what?
I checked out the wanted pokémon I had available and started breeding them. The eggs will become available after you walk around a bit, so that's what I did. I left my pokémon at the ranch, I then walked back and forth a bit, picked up an egg, and walked back and forth some more to pick up the second, third, and so on, and so on. From time to time I switched in a different pokémon and this resulted in a box filled with eggs!

Now they just had to hatch...

Pokémon Pelago
A new feature in the Alola region of pokémon is 'Pokémon Pelago'. It's a set of islands that's all about your boxed pokémon. You know, the ones you deposit into the computer, never to be seen again. Here, your pokémon can hang out, hunt for treasures, train and tend to berries. There are also hot springs in which your pokémon can relax.

Relaxation isn't the only thing these hot springs are good for though. Oh no, you can deposit your pokémon eggs there and after some time inside the hot springs, your eggs will hatch!

No more walking around like a mad (wo)man, now you can just wait for the hot springs to do the work for you, while you continue on your adventure.

My breeding machine is still in full swing and I have plenty of eggs that still need to hatch. I did, however, manage to make a few trades already:

(Screenshot from my Global Link account)

I bred a couple of Torchics and managed to trade one for Charmander. Swablu was traded for Eevee, so I can breed many more Eevees. I want all of Eevee's evolutions and already made myself a Jolteon to replace Pikachu in my team.

Chinchou seems to be more wanted than I would have guessed, so I breeded a few of those and traded one for a Ralts! I now have a couple of Ralts eggs, because I'm sure some people will want that one for certain trades.

Sadly, not all pokémon can be bred, but it's still a great way to expand your pokedex!

I get side-tracked in games plenty of times and Pokémon is no different. My boyfriend is so much further along in his story and his pokémon are much higher level. I've been spending so much of my time breeding and trading, I just can't keep up!

It's a fun way to waste some time though!

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