Queen Isla's Final Days: Ironman León #7 (Crusader Kings 2)

Hello Steem Folks!

It's been quite a while since I've been able to post anything due to my old laptop's graphics card dying. I've also been on a job hunt as money is getting scarce. Anyway that's enough excuses.

We're going to pick up where we left off in out CK2 campaign. For the previous episode, click HERE.

Let's get started.

Queen Isla of Brittany (b. 828, r. 832-d. 887)

As the days passed by in the growing Kingdom of Brittany, Queen Isla began to grow discontent with the state of things. Her health had been in decline and she was far past child-bearing age. She had watched all of her husbands and children die aside from her little Princess Isla, the heir to her kingdom and all she had left in this world.

Growing bored with sitting around waiting for the dark lord to take her from this miserable world, Isla had been looking to the County of Dyfed, which her loyal vassal and cousin Countess Elisaued had a claim on. Hoping to gain the trust of Elisaued and expand her own influence, Isla declared war on the feeble ruler of Dyfed.

While her troops marched on Dyfed, Isla had been invited to a Satanic orgy by one of her dark brothers, the result of which made her question her sexuality once more. It had been decades since she'd been with a man, but now she regained her interest.

Her massive army crushed the fools in Dyfed easily, laying siege to their holdings.

While out one night prowling in the light of the full moon, Isla couldn't contain her bloodlust, killing a stray dog in her rampage.

Awakening from her sleep, she found herself covered in the blood of the animal. Though her memory was hazed, she knew what she'd become again.

After decades of ruling from the throne of Kent, Isla finally managed to convince the populace that the Breton way was better than their own, bringing in an influx of proud Bretons from the mainland.

With the war over, Dyfed had become a part of the Kingdom of Brittany. Countess Elisaued was quite pleased and pledged her utmost loyalty to Isla for pressing her claim.

Princess Isla had finally come of age! Her training led her to be known as a skilled tactician. This coupled with her ambition caused her to be a fearsome foe.

Sensing her time on Earth was dwindling, Queen Isla found a strong, attractive Anglo-Saxon named Thoraed to marry Princess Isla. She had hoped that he may pass his genes on to her children, strengthening the Leon dynasty.

It had come to her attention that Bishop Beldric, one of her councilors, was unloyal. Isla sought to corrupt him and her efforts were met with great success.

In addition, she sought to gain the loyalty of Mayor Maedci, another of her councillors. She laid out a ritual to possess him, turning him into a loyal servant.

Princess Isla gave birth to a daughter, Magdalene. Unfortunately, Magdalene had a lisp from an early age.

As the days went by, it became clear that Princess Isla had contracted great pox. Queen Isla called for her court physician to attempt to cure her only child.

Alas, he was unable and Princess Isla died at the age of 18, leaving Magdalene as the sole heir to the Kingdom of Brittany.

With her daughter dead, Isla sent her son-in-law Thoraed instructions to form a mercenary party under the banner of Kent. She sent him additional troops and equipment, which would allow him to hire his party out to other nations. Part of the profits of the party would help the kingdom prosper.

While out on the road with her servants, Queen Isla was once more confronted by the demon slaying knights that had taken her hand and left her scarred. Knowing her time may be at hand to join the dark lord, she gathered her remaining strength and stood to fight the foolish knights.

Outnumbered and frail, Queen Isla was surrounded and put to death, leaving her granddaughter Magdalene to rule the Kingdom of Brittany. At only a year old, Magdalene had been crowned queen and Elisaued sat in as her regent.

With her mother and grandmother dead, Magdalene lay in her crib staring out through the sides. Elisaued, her cousin and regent sat on the throne in her stead until she came of age. Though the kingdom held itself together for the moment, only time would tell if this would stay true.

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