Nova 3 review

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Hi guys and welcome to another new week, its already Monday and currently in the month of December, probably you planning to go on a trip with the family, visit loved ones who stays afar or just taking a break, vacation from work and enjoy the festive season.

You could always use a little bit of entertainment wherever you find yourself and that’s were gaming comes in, we all have our different genres, some prefer puzzle, others prefer action and some strategy or adventure, whatever your need is, there is definitely something out there for you.

With that been said, will be looking at a somewhat old adventure action first person shooter android game, yea android not pc, during this festive season we probably might be away from our PCs or even out of network reach and that’s where this game comes in.

It was one of the earliest games I played on android mobile device, even before I played Anomally, which I did a review about sometime back, if you looking for the review about that game, then do well to check my blog @otemzi.

Nova 3 and Call of duty strike team were actually some of the earliest first person adventure shooter I played on android and I must giving the time then and now, the graphics still do justice to those games, if you looking for an android mobile game to play with well enough graphics to suite your needs, then NOVA 3 it is.

NOVA 3, called Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance 3, what happened to Nova 1 or 2, well I think there is, but then I played 3 not 1 or 2.

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NOVA 3 is a first person action adventure even sci-fi game that was developed by gameloft, yea same company that developed Asphalt and made our mobile racing gaming experience great, if you never played asphalt on any mobile device, then am really shocked.

From the game, we play as a character called kal wardin which according to story was actually a hero from the previous Nova games who gained fame, power and every other things that came with been a war hero.

The game starts with you been on a somewhat advance battle ship or a pod, although the internal compartment looked like a ship for a single individual, you were chatting with an AI, artificial intelligence figure, demanding some response while your ship is on its way to crashing.

Few minutes later, your ship crash landed in San Francisco say thousands of years from now, because the scene was futuristic like, you soon met other allies force, NPC non playable character. Regrouping was no fun as your team was later blasted from a roof top although you all went away from the blast unwounded, advancing forward, the team or allies soon discovered that you were the hero, the famous hero Kal wardin and you were soon addressed as a living legends.

With all the praises going on, made me wished played NOVA 1 or 2, well going to look into the game some other time.

The praise continue for a while until you decide to advance forward, with your new found comrades, it seems the earth was under attack by an alien force and the need to defend it was soon found, this was going to be your last and probably your longest mission yet.

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The game comes with various advance futuristic weapons, which you could upgrade as you progress and also interactions with the world just like you did with your allies, for a game that came with so much graphics, it was able to run smoothly on a low end device as at then.

The game was released 2012 just to show you how old it is, well many might consider it still early but looking at games developed as at 2017/18 then you might consider the game somewhat old, but then it should be able to keep you busy for a while if you looking to travel, say on the way before reaching your destination, it should act a s a time killer, the graphics really looks great and if you looking for alternative to the game as well then Killzone and Call of duty strike team should suffice for the game.

Well till some other time do have fun and stay bless.



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