Freedom fighters Review

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Something old, well can’t recall anything old as Freedom fighters when compared to games I played before now.

Hi guys and welcome to another beautiful day,

What’s good?

For one am alive and well, even though the crypto still seeing the dip, you got to thank the Lord for keeping you safe this far and He alone deserves all the praises.

Looking back at some of the games I played before now, all was fun but none actually compared to Freedom fighters as at then.

The game is somewhat old and it was or among the first game I played on a PC via a desktop PC, say 2010, although many might still consider that somewhat early I didn’t get to use a PC before then, gaming for me, was mainly based on consoles like the PlayStation one, Sega Genesis and Nintendo, at first playing a game via a keyboard and mouse was really stressful and would still be if I didn’t continue, probably one of the reasons console players consider PC games not so good, due to most be played with mouse and keyboard.

Although, I did make a little break down on how to play PC games using USB joystick a while back. So, if you were to browse through my blog @otemzi you should locate it somewhere around.

That been said, will be looking at Freedom Fighters, yea its old but I consider it one of the classics around and am even thinking of downloading it once more to get that the feeling of a freedom fighter who is out to liberate his city from the hands of the soviet.

Man, truly it was fun, it seems the game was not just available for PC but rather consoles as well, wonder if the action and gameplay were the same across this gaming platforms.

What I actually loved about freedom fighters was the feature in which player was given control over squad, you could control different ally soldier using 3 different and simple instructions, nothing complex as shown today and they actually responded quite well, if planned properly, you make them baits and attack from the opposite side ensuring you had total victory.

Most times, you didn’t even have to fight or join the squad before you could win a game, proper handling and placement of your team mates could easily get you a win.

Looking back, I think the game could be play as a speed run, meaning who was able to capture the base fastest would win.

Freedom Fighters is a third person action shooter game, was player was tasked to liberate his city from the hands of Soviet forces who had that time taken control of the city and although other freedom fighter waits to take the city once more, the zeal was not there and it seems that was the indirect mission you were tasked to do, but the objectives didn’t state that, but rather you were tasked to plant explosives in different regions, free fellow freedom fighters such as yourself and take control of regions, this could be done by raising your flag over a captured regions.

Truly a game that old, was really fun to play then.

Player had control of other characters up to a maximum of 12 different characters, which could be unlocked based on his charismatic level, meaning as you progressed and did more good, the more your team would increase.

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Unlike now, were more instructions are needed to take control of NPC, Freedom Fighters supports few instructions, which were rather simple to use and when these instructions were used appropriately, you could become invisible when playing the game, meaning you could easily attack or defend a position.

The controls used included.

  • Follow

  • Attack and

  • Defend,

The instructions look simple, right?

Each instruction comes with its own use and as the name says, characters been controlled would follow them appropriately when assigned to any of them, meaning you could issue command to them separately, most games rather make you control all characters on a go, but Freedom Fighters was somewhat different then as each character could be assigned to either attack, defend or better yet fall back or follow.

Comrades been recruited also came with different weapons, but they were mainly of two types, NPC with shotguns and also with AK’s, what I did was recruit 2 from each set and as the game progresses, I would go more on AK’s and little on shotguns, shotguns mainly used for close combating and they did pack a lot of damage.

Truly the game was nothing less than genius and the developers did an amazing job with the controls

Player was also presented with health bar, you could heal yourself with or life bar you could wake a fallen soldier with, and yes they are limited, this bars can be collected and refilled as you progress in the game, and there was a maximum amount you were allowed to carry on a go, but they do increase as the game progresses, cause the higher you advance, the harder the game becomes and to make it somewhat beatable, I guess this was needed.

Speaking about being able to carry med kit, the player also had the ability to change or swap weapons from fallen soldiers be it allied or foe, and you could also swap your weapon from base.

Yea base, most games that centers on such activities, usually come with a base where players could stock up on supply and also presented map of things you needed to archive, routes and different options of where to attack first.

The map you choose to attack first would greatly influence the outcome of the battle, certain players that couldn’t be reached from a particular map could be easily destroyed from another, meaning the map was somewhat connected, and the activities been carried out influences others.

Recall, there was this tunnel we were required to go through alongside with our ally force and for some reason I was always killed instantly whenever I moved on that street, I later got to know and understand, there was a sniper somewhere on the building on that street who always killed me when I was within sights and the only way you could take him out, was on another map.

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Meaning you would have to complete the objective from another region, which included blowing up a particular station and from the looks, it seemed like the shock killed that sniper as well, giving you total access to advance on that tunnel, but when left uncompleted, you would have to sneak into the tunnel, keeping in mind that hostile awaits you there as well.

Apart from snipers, other forces could be seen that were not easily killed like the normal foot soldiers, commanders were the hardest to kill, it felt like they wore extra armor making them somewhat difficult to kill when compared to others.

The game was sure fun, but then it came with a bug or you could consider it cheats while playing the game back then, you could activate certain features that gave your abilities, say unlimited amour, no more death, you could play the game and never die and many others.

Game Trailer


Surely the game was fun and if you yet to play it, you should.

Although you might consider it somewhat old, it’s worth it.

Till some other time, do have fun and stay bless.


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