Drug Wars Game - Earn as you play


Welcome to the next installment of ways to lose time on STEEM. Coming after the successes that involve Discord, @magic-dice, @steemmonsters and many others we now have,

One more way to lose hours of your life. Drug Wars

If you were like me and used to play games on facebook back in the day then I am sure that you are already familiar with the concept of Drug wars or Mafia wars as it was in the original. This is a slightly updated game from what i remember in my youth but the general idea behind it is the same. Grow your empire, put in time into building up your industry and gang then use that to attack other gangs and become the biggest drug lord in the game. I remember being absolutely addicted to the game back in the day and I can see it happening all over again.



The main selling point behind the game is your ability to earn STEEM from playing it. For anybody who joins and puts in the time then you could do very well from it going forward. We have all seen how well some people can do from @steemmonsters especially the people at the top of the leagues. It will be interesting to see if this game can get a similar following behind it. Either way it is a great sign going forward that there are new games coming out and more applications for people to spend time on.

If you want to start playing here is my reference link which will bring you into the game. For full disclosure I do get a bonus from people joining through my link but i hope to see a lot of the people wanting to join anyway. With anything in this world being an early adopter tends to give better results in the long run so this is a chance to get in right at the start.


I have only started playing the game today so all of this is from my initial interactions but I will keep playing for the next while and give an update when i have the bigger picture. Either way I like where it is going.


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