Review The Classic DOOM Game


Bethesda does not have much choice in their hands because DOOM should be recognized is not an "easy" franchise to be revived. If he feels too modern and similar to current FPS games, then only a matter of time before the heavy fans of his past series come with super-spicy criticism. But if he has survived in the past, DOOM could end up being an unattractive project in the eyes of those unfamiliar with the allure of his phenomenal old series. Our first impression? We can say that Id Software and Bethesda find a middle ground that will satisfy both parties. DOOM is a classic flavored shooter wrapped in a modern approach. He ended up being an FPS game that is quite surprising, at least from the single-player mode that we jajal.

He is a straightforward shooter game. You move from one point to another with a quite open world design with so many secrets here and there, killing all the demons you meet, while trying to survive. The main character - Doom Guy - is equipped with so many weapons with different effects and feelings from each other. Which are interesting? There is a sense of progress for weapons and characters here, a modern element that certainly enriches the existing experience via an injected upgrade system. The rest? A super-fast battle against demons with variants of size and weapons that are in quite chaotic situations. One thing for sure, he will not fail to make your adrenaline pump as fast as possible.

But we ourselves can not talk much. Single-player mode does offer something contrary to our fears about DOOM. A quick battle approach, especially with 60fps in the PlayStation 4 version, makes it feel like a classic shooter game in a modern leather bandage. The visual quality itself is enchanting for the current generation game size, especially with the depth of field effect and the rocky environmental design. Metal music that plays as you act increasingly strengthens the atmosphere, making this battle against the demons on Mars so epic at some point.

While waiting for a more proportional time to review, let us throw a bunch of fresh screenshots from the oven below to help you get a little bit of a picture of DOOM. We ourselves still have not tested the multiplayer mode at all until it's not available in this preview mode, but we'll talk about it in a review article next week. We also included a bit of our live streaming session the night before along with some JagatPlay readers in the process of previewing this for a clearer picture of what DOOM is. Surprisingly good!


So what is DOOM really offering? Why do we just include emoticons "\ m /" to explain the sensations he offers? This review will discuss it more deeply for you!



So is this a reboot or sequel series? In the meantime, it is difficult to decide. Because even just carrying the name "DOOM" is the no-frills number in it, there is the impression that the base of the story is built also rooted in the main character figure - Doom Guy is the same as the series DOOM 1 & 2. You get a reference story that emerged from the series -the old series, the reactions of the devils who have been afraid of him since the beginning of the game, as well as the timeline of the story which, if carefully considered, matches what happened in the first two series. The good news? You can still enjoy it as a separate series and Bethesda himself calls it more into a reboot series.


DOOM still offers a combination of plots between futuristic settings and supernatural powers. In search of better resources, UAC (Union Aerospace Corporation) builds a base on Mars. The solution they found? A source you've never predicted, an energy called "Argent" that they harvest right from hell. But apparently, the technology will not be able to meet the temptations of the demons whose stories have spread from the past. Those who are affected are no longer just "interested" to mine more Argent energy, but also examine the demons who live in hell and confront them. Until they find a chest of cemeteries confined with so many runes on it.


So inevitably, this Argentine energy mining also ends up being a portal that not only allows humans to go to hell but also various devils from hell to enter the world. In the midst of the bloody UAC destruction and death, the main character we use - Doom Guy - who had been asleep in the chest lifted from the hell suddenly woke up. Armed with a special suit named Praetor Suit, Doom Guy was back in action. He sought to reinvent what made the demons of Hell so fearful of him in the past, as well as saving UAC from ever greater catastrophe.

So what exactly happened with UAC? Who else is responsible until these demons managed to jump over the dimensions and attack Mars? What kind of challenges should Doom Guy face? The answers to all these questions you can get by playing this DOOM.



If there is one sentence that can be used to explain the experience offered by this latest series of DOOM, then without further ado it seems to encapsulate it very well. In contrast to modern FPS games that usually wrap its campaign mode with so many dramatizations here and there, snippets of scenes to explain the story, complex plots, and QTE to offer a more cinematic, DOOM-bound no-nonsense sensation like this. Regardless of the quality of the visualization that deserves thumbs up as the current generation release game, it takes a closer gameplay approach to the sensation of a classic FPS game. A melting fusion of classical and modern DOOM in the same room. Without preamble and straightforwardness, DOOM shines in single player mode.


Needless to say, from the early minutes of the game you are instantly introduced to the figure of Doom Guy who wakes up, raises his weapon, and as if to understand that his existence at UAC is to finish off any demons he encounters. Believe it or not, this gameplay core is what you'll get until the end of the game. As the game progresses, you will meet new areas, different devil variants, and a little shot of the story for extra background in it. But they still only demand one thing from you: getting them to end up as a pile of meat without a life, either because of a small rocket, a large rocket, a plasma shot, or a grenade that landed on their feet.


The battle runs fast with a large area. Devil variants that will be more diverse as the progress of this game is not a challenge that you can take for granted, even in the level of normal difficulty though. Some focus on projectile attacks, others have a more tanky build to attack you from close range, others combine the two, and not a few are even ready to kill you from the air. This is not a typical FPS game that allows you to stand still and start killing every one of them with ease. DOOM will require you to keep moving, looking for opportunities to kill them with weapons, and then look for various ammo, armor, and health scattered on the map. Survive while meeting the demons who ruthlessly try to break your head into a certain challenge, especially if those who are tanky come at the same time.


Fortunately, there is little innovation to facilitate the diverse scenarios of this super-fast game concept. One of them? Glory Kill. Simply put, it can be described as an animated finishing move that you can execute for an enemy in a dying position. These enemies will be silent helpless for a certain time with a body that produces blue/orange color meaning that they are ready to "receive" your Glory Kill without a fight. Why is he so important? Because every Glory Kill you will guarantee that you will get your health portion back, thus making it essential when you are involved in intense battles whose attacks can come from anywhere. Cooler? Software Id managed to make this melee pemungkas attack is not wordy. The animation speed is as short as you shoot at 2 bullet guns so there is no impression that it slows down your game pace. Slowly but surely, finding health via Glory Kill will be something natural for you.


Another mechanism is the presence of two classic DOOM - Chainsaw and BFG weapons that will get in the middle and end of the game. If Glory Kill is designed to offer extra health (as well as armor in some circumstances), you can use Chainsaw to kill these demons instantly and make it drop the myriad bullets you need for most of your weapons. As a replacement? He needs a specific resource named "Fuel". Interestingly, the number of Fuel you find will also determine what kind of enemy scale you can kill instantly. The bigger the enemy, the greater the amount of Fuel needed, the more ammo will fall. You can also use it as a last hope when pressed. While BFG? You are familiar enough with the old DOOM series seems to be familiar with this classic weapon. One bullet BFG aka Big Fragging Gun will clean all enemies in one area instantly, of course with a fairly rare bullet.


The rest? Having fun. DOOM does not offer any effort to make it end up being a complex or "in" FPS game from the side of the story. He is straightforward, unceremonious, and asks you to carry the same holy mission - destroying all the demons you meet and nothing more. If you see from the words we take, you may feel that it will end up being a monotonous and repetitive game, but fortunately not so. Not only is it a pace of fast-running battle that makes the battle scenario always ending tense, but also from the fact that your own character is quite fragile. The fact that he is not carrying a health regeneration system makes you have to keep yourself better. But the one that makes this sensation of excitement never go away is the genius to combine enemies like what you fight in every area that exists. It sometimes comes with enough surprises to make you lose.

Although the basic sensation is rooted in a classic FPS game, it does not mean DOOM offers only this kind of sensation. He also injects extra gameplay features that make it feel different and more modern. As an example? You can now strengthen your own Doom Guy.


It is almost impossible for DOOM to stick with its classic FPS flavor in the past without offering anything new in it. An approach that will not be much different from just changing visual appearance like this might be a great nostalgic event for DOOM players in the past, but it will not appeal to gamers who are not familiar with it and are used to dealing with more modern FPS . DOOM facilitates both worlds and melds them into a balanced system. From the side of the straight shooter, he feels classical. But from the map design and various other features offered in it, it has a little extra modern flavor in it.


One of the extraordinary and worthy of thumbs up is the map design that he offers. Instead of moving from one room to another within a predetermined straight line, you will be faced with a large arena of games for each chapter waiting for you to explore. It is indeed linear and one goal you must achieve for the progress of the story, but the design of this folder holds many interesting secrets to discover. There are little things like Collectibles figurine for Doom Guy itself, up to old map secrets at some point that put you in the classic Doom map with new weapon and enemy look. Easter egg also offered Bethesda at Wolfenstein: The New Order a few years ago. But of course, this exploration will also provide an equal reward for your gameplay.


By exploring these vertically and horizontally searched maps, even with the extra platforming challenges in them, you can get many extra items that can affect your gameplay through the upgrade system that is also included in the latest DOOM version. No longer just static and relying on new weapons that he found on the journey, you now have the opportunity to strengthen the character of Doom Guy itself and the weapons you've got before. There is a special chip embedded in red troop corps that can be used to strengthen your Suit to produce a certain permanent buff. Divided into five different categories, you can apply this upgrade effect directly. You can speed up your grenade cooldown, minimize the damage that comes from a barrel blast, or just make your Doom Guy more alert to the secrets around the map.


Which are interesting? That's not the only upgrade element offered. Along the way, you will also find a special item in a crate named "Argent Cells" that serves as an upgrade character Doom Guy itself. Every Argent Cell you find, you can use it to strengthen one aspect of Doom Guy's three aspects: Health, Armor, or Ammo. As can be predicted, choosing one means increasing the limits that you can take or take for each of these categories. Other upgrades are mod guns. Meeting robots that seem to float away, you can make your weapons stronger by assigning specific mods to them. Each weapon will have two mod variants with different effects that you can choose. As an example? You can make Plasma Gun you can now spray heat effect for damage area or inject stun ability to stop enemy motion in certain time. Do not stop there, choosing the mod is just the beginning of the "ladder" upgrade to make it more effective that also need extra resources of the other.

The combination of collectibles and resources that can help your journey forward makes the act of exploring the vast DOOM map often end up being something that feels rewarding, and not just to admire the detail of the levels they inject. Unable to lie, we ourselves were quite surprised that a game like this turned out to contain a little platforming level in it that requires you to jump from one place to another to arrive at the required area. It is an approach that has long been invisible in modern FPS games today.

Multiplayer and SnapMap: Interesting?

One of the trends that attract attention in today's competitive multiplayer-based games is the effort to try to revive the classic flavors that had seemed irrelevant and difficult to enjoy. Just look at what Epic Games is trying to do with the latest Unreal Tournament series with Unreal Engine 4 and the classic gameplay style, where reactions and predictions to where to come and exit will be the key to victory. The classic sensation that was offered by this Quake series also tried to be offered with multiplayer DOOM. But unfortunately, like the sensation that appears when tested the multiplayer beta period that was held some time ago, multiplayer DOOM actually be the biggest weakness.

When the single-player ends up so straightforward, tense, and unceremoniously, its multiplayer just fails to offer a similar sensation. Because games like Quake or Unreal Tournament usually offer enough over-powered weapons that make the need for motion reflexes to shoot and dodge into something more crucial. Multiplayer DOOM, despite attempts to pursue the same sensation, ends up being a slower multiplayer game with balancing weapons that are still in question. The weapons that should kill you instantly, like the Rocket Launcher for example, turn out to end up throwing only half of the HP bar's damage even though it's directly exposed. Unequally some weapons, such as Super Shotgun, for example, make variations of character build can be fairly minimal.


There is an attempt to offer something unique, for example, to the Rune Demon system. So within a certain period, the team members/enemies who take this rune can turn into powerful Demon in variant variety for a certain time. But with the "normal" weapons that are not very strong and the fact that these Demon-Demon can kill you instantly, Rune is like an instant ticket to victory. You can kill many enemies before you die or until the rune's duration itself ends. The only mechanism we think is interesting is the presence of special items and weapons that you can find on the map for use, which can sometimes end up being a surprise of its own.


Worse yet? The community itself is not very active, at least from the version of our PlayStation 4 jajal this. Some players end up enjoying only Team Deathmatch mode, with other modes almost unattended or with matches that often end up not loading the player in the maximum number. Effects of this "force" you will inevitably have to try out the same mode over and over again, so it feels monotonous and quite repetitive. The bad news? There is nothing you can pursue as well with this multiplayer other than level and more cosmetic items. There has not been a clear motivation why you should go back and continue to enjoy it again, especially with the concept of gameplay that tipped not too interesting. From the gameplay sessions, we also found that its own balancing system still invites more question marks. Not infrequently you meet with high-level characters who in fact have more access to the various weapons that are gathered in one group, "destroy" other groups are filled with low levels.


Your only reason to play back DOOM after completing single-player mode in addition to the higher difficulty level is SnapMap - a feature that allows the community to build their own maps and game modes to be tested by other gamers. You who have high creativity can be involved in Custom Game creation process, although we ourselves are not too interested. In the main menu, SnapMap instantly offers you whatever content is on the rise or at the peak of popularity for you jajal. The result? Quite interesting.


As a gamer who is not too familiar with the features that had been offered in the previous series of DOOM, we were quite surprised by the variety and content he offers. We had tested two-game folders - one of which ended up being a Raid mode with 3 other players to deal with Baron of Hell who now has health and higher damage. While other modes are crazier? He managed to turn DOOM into a cultivation game. With in-game assets, this mode allows you to plant and harvest "crops" as a resource to not only strengthen your character and buy new weapons but also keep the Demon that will help you in the game. The main purpose? Exploring and securing a mine up to the deepest point.


SnapMap is much more solid to get you back to DOOM once the single player is finished, even though the appeal is not as strong in our eyes. The bad news? As is the case with the multiplayer mode, trying to find friends playing randomly in SnapMap and completing the existing mode is also a challenge and often ends up failing. For a multiplayer mode that has lost its audience in the first two weeks of release, you'd better start seeing DOOM just as a single player game.


Okay, then why we chose Metal emoticons as subtitles for this review? Because frankly, this sensation is the most powerful it has to offer. Makes you feel like a badass who can even make demons afraid of just hearing your name alone. Fantastic level designs, cool weapon feel, enemy variations and combinations that make each level challenging, and an upgrade system that makes exploration so exciting are just the beginning. Because DOOM also has two other extra attractions: a super epic boss fight and metal music as a companion!


Another approach that we think is well targeted is the ability of Id Software to make the badass atmosphere more noticeable through the selection of metal music that always accompany your action. With shotgun bullets that seem to melt into part of the existing rhythm, these music make your adrenaline getting pumped faster over the scenario that is already very stressful. Attractive DOOM, cool and metal DOOM atmosphere is what makes us fall in love with the single-player mode that it offers.



What can be concluded from DOOM? In single-player mode, it ended up just like what we had felt with Wolfenstein: The New Order a few years ago. Departing with a sense of pessimism and no interest, he ended up being one of the truly awesome FPS games. The decision not to the preamble and follow the trend of modern FPS games make DOOM glow, especially after he melted the classic taste in it with proportional. There is no need to dramatize, you just need to take up arms and start putting all those bullets into their mouths as effectively as possible in a fast pace of battle making it end up much more stressful than what we had imagined. Extensive maps, rewarding exploration, solid story, environmental design, weapon feel, and metal music that surrounds make DOOM so fascinating.

The only weakness we think we deserve to talk about is the mutliplayer mode that ended in an unattractive way. We actually have felt pessimistic since the open beta some time ago and still leaves little hope that there is a possibility he can be different in this final version. But not only does it feel interesting and repetitive without the motivation to play a clear, the fact that this mode began to be left in just two weeks of release alone is a clear evidence to not see DOOM as a multiplayer game altogether.

So, is DOOM worth looking at? We ourselves end up strongly recommend you taste the single-player mode that he offers. Let DOOM throw to you the energy of a classic and straightforward FPS classic game. He also managed to emerge as a series that deserves to mark the return of a legendary franchise that almost drowned in the ages. \ m /



  • Visual quality
  • Gameplay without further ado
  • The enemy's variant and the design of the arena are challenging
  • Open level design
  • Exciting exploration for extra collectibles and upgrades
  • Music
  • Glory Kill is a long-winded



  • Non-tempting multiplayer mode blue/orange act of exploring


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