Nova Open 2018

Just outside of Washington DC the Nova Open was taking place this past weekend. It was my first wargame convention, which is odd to admit being into the geeky things that I am, and I had an amazing time. The Nova Open ( ) is centered around Games Workshop games like Warhammer 40k and Lord Of The Rings, and Privateer Press games Hordes/Warmachine. It has grown substantially and now includes Fantasy Flight's X-Wing and Armada as well as Star Wars Legion, and a multitude of other tabletop miniature games with more pieces and strategies than I could ever count. Now, I am not a wargamer because strategy on that level is not my forte. I do love tabletop games, though and being around that community and seeing the beautiful tables and armies was amazing. There are a few pictures included below and they do not do justice for the brilliance of the environment.
For me, this weekend was a chance to learn more about painting miniatures. I had the amazing chance to learn from Duncan Rhodes about painting skin and painting demons and was left wanting more. Next year, I will definitely sign up for more seminars.
This year also left myself and my group of gaming buddies discussing, purchasing, planning, and getting excited for playing Warhammer 40k Kill Team. I will be running space marines because, well I already have the models and they are painted and ready for battle.
Here's a few pics from the weekend





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