Fun With Secret World Legends


This MMORPG is not wildly popular like World of Warcraft or Elder Scrolls Online, but it definitely presents some unique story telling no other MMO has ever done. I already talked about this horror MMO game before and I always like to come back to see what's new. It's story is told from 3 modern underground organizations perspectives, Illuminati, Templars and Dragon. Each dealing with supernatural demonic threats in their own unique way. If you like H.P. Lovecraft and that spooky vibe and you're into Halloween and shit, look no further.



Unlike every other fantasy MMO because this game is set in present time, every weapon and upgrade will be something like your ordinary shirts and pants, but this wouldn't be so unique without some unique special guns that have magical properties. Just imagine pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, also some melee weapons like katanas and hammers all imbued with special magic.

There are 9 classes you can play and you can also have a secondary class, for example I play with Elementalist with Shotgun support, Elementalist will deal damage while Shotgun skills will have some tanking and healing utilities that will help me survive. It is an interesting take and liftoff from traditional MMORPGs.



For me the best selling point this game has is it's immersion, dark locations placed all over the world with a dash of occult and supernatural will always make you come back and explore everything. Side quests in this game are not your typical MMO fetch and kill certain number of enemies quests, investigation missions for example will definitely make you think and check online guides in order to find the solution.

New event that is happening right now is Halloween event where hundreds of players team up together in order to beat Jack of the Lantern demon boss and get some cool loot like this undead horse mount.



If World of Warcraft is boring you these days and you don't want to pay them subscription anymore, you can check Secret World Legends on Steam, it is free to play, fun to play and uniquely different from the rest.

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