Mandelplays: Overwatch! 🎮 Junkrat, Reaper, Hanzo and Soldier 76

Hi everyone! So, while playing No Man's Sky and recording it, I suddenly had the idea to start doing a series of videos of play-throughs of different games. I have a Steam account full of games I bought on special over the years that I haven't gotten to, so this would be a great way of going through them all, trying them out, and letting you all know if they're worth sinking some time into =)

Unfortunately, once again, uploading to dTube gave trouble, but fear not! Youtube always works... =)

This time, I play four rounds - two normal Quickplays, and two Competitive Deathmatch, showing off my skillz with my four favourite Overwatch characters - Reaper, Junkrat, Hanzo and Soldier 76.

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