- Down on your LUCK? Reset it to Zero!



A little over a month ago introduced LUCK Chips that you can use to play for fun and use your Earned LUCK Chips (aka Good LUCK) to Earn & Burn™ your way into exclusive HIVE Freerolls up to 100 HIVE, with as few as 6 minimum players to start.

However if you've been down on your LUCK and are having a hard time obtaining enough Earned LUCK to burn for an entry into an exclusive freeroll, you can now turn your bad LUCK into good LUCK by donating HIVE or Chips from your account on or wait until your balance is low enough.


Reset To Zero

For just 0.0000025 HIVE per negative Earned LUCK chips (aka "Bad LUCK") you can reset your Earned LUCK chip balance back to zero (0) and start fresh!

Or you can wait until your balance reaches -1,000,000 Earned LUCK and reset for Free. If you play in the big LUCK tournaments and don't have much good luck in them, it likely won't take long to get to negative 1 million Earned LUCK. 😬

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Get Back In The Game

We've implemented this feature due to the # of players who are currently accumulating more Bad LUCK than Good LUCK and it's nearly 50% of the active players. Even worse, if you're burning your Earned LUCK for entry into the exclusive Freerolls, you may find yourself down on your LUCK with just a few losses afterwards.

Even the best of players can easily get in the hole when you've run out of run gud and it can feel like an uphill battle unless you can pull off a victory in a very large tournament with a very large buyin, but this is a big risk that could also drive you even further into the negative.

With the reset option available any time your negative Earned LUCK is below -10,000 you'll never feel like you're out of the race for the exclusive freerolls!

See You @ The Tables! ... Good to the last flop!

Built for poker players, not for profit.

This is not a gambling website, read why.
TL;DR : We do not allow/accept deposits. It's entirely free to play and win HIVE!

All images licensed from Shutterstock or iStock

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