Lets Play! - Total War: Warhammer - I finally beat my Custom Battle!

2019-10-06 (1).png

So last night after recording my Valiant defeat at the hands of custom battle mode I attempted the battle another 7 or 8 times! Finally I managed to defeat the forces laid against me and while I did not record live as in the other video, I did have a recording of my success. So here it is in its full glory........


Important Units in the Victory


Demigryph Knights
So these Demigryph Knights played a vital role in the battle, taking out the enemy Arachnid near the start of the battle. They are excellent Anti-Large units and helped make the difference in the early stages of the battle. They did break after their initial engagement but came back into the battle strong to make the final push towards victory!


The single unit of hand gunners I brought did so much in the early phase by targeting the armour of the large arachnid. They continued to contribute throughout the battle and I moved them into a position where they had a clear line of sight. The difficultly with taking to many of these units is that they require a clear line of sight to fire and this can make them difficult to place and vulnerable on the battlefield. In this instance they proved vital in the final victory!

My army was made up of

1 x Emperor Karl Franz on Warhorse
2 x Swordsman
3 x Halberdiers
2 x Crossbowman
1 x Handgunner
2 x Reiksguard Cavalry
1 x Demigryph Knights
2 x Helstorm Rocket Battery

Thanks for watching and please upvote for further content.


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