Baldurs Gate 3 - First impressions


Me again with another first impressions of a long awaited game called Baldurs Gate 3. Beyond Splinterlands I havent really been playing many games (Diablo4), but when I do, they need to be special. And Baldurs Gate 3 is special. Not perfect... special.

To expand a bit more I would say that I havent yet been impressed by it, these first 2-3 hours that I played, considering I played both Divinity 1 and 2, made by Larian, that I like quite a bit more. Those games were easier to play, they didnt have so much unnecessary complexity and mechanics were better imo.

That doesnt make Baldurs Gate 3 bad, or even remotely close to bad, it just makes it in my eyes slightly disappointing in comparison.
If you havent played any of the Divinity games you wont have that feeling. You will only see a very good RPG game. Which this is.

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  • The character movement isn't as fluid as I would like.
  • Camera movement is a pain in the ass.
  • The UI looks slightly aged.
  • Too many useless or fringe spells you will never use.
  • Does a bad job explaining the mechanics.
  • Overly complex for the sake of being complex.

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  • Runs near perfect, ultra graphics on mid PCs.
  • The story is flawlessly crafted and extremely easy to follow. The writers appear to be top notch.
  • Combat is satisfying enough.
  • Naked boobies and peepees.
  • Amazing number of secrets to solve and quests to do in any way you want to do them.
  • Absolute freedom. You can literally murder everyone, whole cities, if you want (can).
  • Almost infinite choice.
  • Unique followers all with their own stories.
  • Did I already say: Naked boobies and peepees?

When it comes to how the game has been received by the public, last night it peaked at around 815k concurrent players on Steam making it the 8th of all time in highest concurrent players on Steam.

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Larian claim they expected 100k max.
That is massive success considering Baldurs gate falls into a very niche genre.
This can be attributed to the reaction by the gaming community against ingame purchases and micro transactions. Baldurs Gate 3 does not have any of that.
There was also some drama related to the scope of the game coming from other developers. That also massively rallied the gaming community to support the game.
And of course, the game is good. It is definitely worth the money.

With a 100 hours+ of quality and fun gameplay this one is a no brainer as a purchase.
Im extremely happy to see this game succeed because this might lead developers to bring back some other beloved franchises of similar play style.
Who remembers KOTOR?

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