A trailer for the new Devil May Cry game has been shown today at E3:

It seems that we will get to play with 3 different characters: The main guy on the trailer (many people are assuming it's nero, but I disagree), Dante is shown very shortly after the trailer, and there's this third guy in the game's cover art:


Now here's what I think. I believe this main character is actually a new one, even though he has a robotic arm thingy, he is probably some human who decided to become a devil hunter. I believe the third guy in the art is actually Nero... but it could be Vergil, who knows?

If you watch closely, there's a scene in the trailer where the main guy seems to be getting beat up by this mysterious person who seems to have some sort of demonic arm:

That's what you would expect from nero, because as you can see...

He's the one known for having a demonic arm. But that's just my theory, it's too early to assume anything.

I believe this game could be a huge success as long as they don't take it too easy on the difficulty. They still got a lot of time to work on this game and it already looks pretty good.

What do you think, are you excited for this game?

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