Rabbit and the moon - Planned content update

Rabbit and the moon cover.png

Rather than sitting around and hoping I get sales, I'm going to push ahead with my plan for content updates and it will be various themed updates like a Halloween one for example so that way people should be far more encouraged about buying my game and will realise I'm serious about being a games developer.

So! What I'm going to be doing now is a chocolate land based theme for the lulz, I have ordered a new drawing tablet since I haven't had a new one for about 7 years or so ( No joke ) so I figured it's about time I got a shiny new one to help me out with this work that I'm doing. I think I will also be doing some slightly new cover art possibly to help out with the marketing side of things to hopefully attract interest.

Things are getting real now, I'm also looking at the other games and will be making regular posts again about them now I'm back from Italy.

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