A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game

What do I think about A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game?
There are s-o-o-o-o many tokens, oh and then there are more tokens. There are a lot of cards, as well; there are more off the left side of the picture.
This is definitely a super, condensed version of the rules: 27 pages, but gives a decent walk-through.
OK. The game. Aside form the fact of the overwhelming amount of "stuff", taking 5 or so extra minutes at set-up to pull out the specific tokens you require for the minions, villain, town elders, etc... will help greatly in shortening the actual game time.
The game is, rather simple to play. Roll dice, move, fight, do actions; simple enough for those under 12 years of age.
The complexity during the actions, the use of memory, and extensive reading can be over-bearing for those not yet at that stage.
Then the theme of the game. It is a horror-themed game. That would be subjective to the parents and the child's tolerances to that which is not real. You're playing an R-rated movie without the gore making it a PG-13 movie. All the creepy imagery without the blood or visual murder (maybe more like a novel).

My first, and only time playing the game so far, went smoothly, but took so long. We did start it at 9pm, played until 1am, and one of the players had enough to drink that she was dozing off at the table. 1-2 hours? Maybe with 2 players who know what they're doing, maybe. Plan an afternoon for this game for your first few plays.

The game also has an advanced and cooperative mode, which with my experience and this company, doubles game time.
The expansions add more flavour and variant elements to this game, however, by adding more game boards, cards, and, yes, tokens, this will increases game time. Experiment with the expansion, adding a few cards tot he main decks, but play the full expansions once you're comfortable with the advanced game.

I feel like I've had less to say about this game than the previous 2. Oh well.
Curious I was just searching where the game theme came from and found a movie from 1938by the same title "Touch of Evil". I'm going to go watch it and maybe 'get in to' the game more next time I play it.

What is and How to: A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game

"Tis' the dawn of the 18th century; an age of science, superstition, and witchcraft. Howling fills the night as a full moon rises over the small, secluded village of Shadowbrook. Gruesome murders have become a daily occurrence and terror haunts the streets at night. An evil creature has taken up residence here and the countryside is engulfed by a tide of darkness. But all is not lost...not yet.
A small group of heroic individuals, with courage and strength to fight, have arrived in town. Some just passing through while others have come with a purpose; but all will be put to the test as they race to save this cursed town from falling into darkness. It will take a cunning mind and strength of spirit to determine who is friend and who is foe...to solve the mysteries and hunt the beast to its lair. But the secrets of Shadowbrook run deep. Gossip and rumors run rampant and these few Heroes may soon discover that they are outsiders here and this town is already so rotten from within there is nothing left to save." -Intro from Rulebook-

The game is played over a series of turns, with 2-8 players, (according to the box) 1-2 hours, and is age rated 12+.

Each player receives one (1) character card, one (1) character miniature, and two (2) Investigation Tokens.
Select or randomize one (1) Villain and set to the side its Villain Card, Minion Chart, and Minion tokens

Each Hero has 4 attributes that come into play throughout the game; Spirit, Cunning, Combat, and Honour. As well as a number of health and a special ability.

During a player's turn.

  1. Roll 1 die for movement; if a '1' is rolled, draw an Event card for "taking extra time to look around and investigate while on the go"; unless the Event card says "Play Immediately" you may keep it for future use.
    1a. Move your miniature a number of space equal to or less than the number rolled.
    1b. If you choose not to move, roll a die and if a '1' is rolled you are attacked; roll on the Minion Chart.

  2. After movement, fight enemies in your space. If your movement ended in a space with an enemy, you must fight it.
    Both players (active and 'for-the-enemy) roll a number of dice equal to the "Combat" number on the cards. Any results of '5' or '6' will hit your opponent. Do damage equal or more than the health, it dies or the Hero is KO'd and the turn ends.
    2a. There are specific abilities, items, and circumstances that may alter this basic rule of attacking.

  3. Take actions.
    If your miniature is on a board space with words, follow the instructions.
    If there is Investigation lying around, pick it up.
    You may spend investigation to heal (3) or Investigate the Town Elders (2) who may or not help you against the Villain.
    Lastly you may buy a Lair or start a Showdown at an owned Lair; this how to win the game by attacking the Villain directly.

  4. Now that the players are done their actions it's time for the Mystery Phase
    4a. Any abilities or cards that state "Start of the Mystery Phase" are dealt with now.
    4b. KO'd Heroes are revived at the start location.
    4c. The Villain heals
    4d. Draw a Mystery card; these are 95% not good for you.
    4e. Pass the first player token.

Repeat 1-4 until Villain is dead or the Night track is at it's lowest (which is triggered as you go through the Mystery Cards).

Big Box:
Something Wicked
The Coast
Small Box:
Hero Pack 1
Hero Pack 2

A Touch of Evil.jpg

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