Shaco Guide by OTP Challenjour Shaco

Hello Gamers! This post will be about the charachter in League of Legends that most people hate from him when he's on enemy. So most of people don't like this champion to see in game. Nevertheless I decided to make this champion my main one. As you know I'm Challenjour League of Legends player and I have been playing this game since Season 1. For the last 4 years I noticed that I haven't enjoyed to play with another champions in League. So, you can say me OTP Shaco player. Now let's come up to our main topic.


Generally, Shaco is an assasin champion and mostly except jungle people play with it on top lane rarely. In my opinion, most of top Shaco players play this champion there to have fun. Almost everyone hates to see Shaco in enemy this is an unrepudiated truth. Because if you play against shaco you have to be carefull 2x than usual in early phase you should be ready to see Shaco on your back any time. This post is for the followers of mine who has atleast a little bit knowledge about the game so that I pass the simple details which related to the game and I want to start as "How to do Jungle Rotation as Shaco".

Jungle Rotation

You can see the starting items on the picture. I don't prefer to start with fillable potion because Tiamat is one of the core item of Shaco, so as buying this item (it seems like apple or bead what you want to call that anyway.) you will be able to obtain Tiamat earlier than usual. Even this tactic, helps you to being ahead than enemy jungler.

shaco 2.png

You can put the boxes around 35. seconds. If you make a system like on the picture. I mean 3 boxes for Blue Buff and 1 for Gromp before they spawn you'll be superfast in early game.

shaco 3.png

Early Gangs Strategy

I need to mention on a point here, Like 2 season before I mean before rework of Shaco, his Q spell had fixedly 3 seconds invisibility. But after rework of Shaco, you need to up Q at least 3 times if you want to reach 3 seconds invisibility. Dirty end of the stick, as upping Q, Q doesn't provide you to deal more damage on his first auto attack. You only able to have more invisiblity time. So that my advice is for you, as first give Q 3 times to make it 3 seconds and after max E spell till it becomes 5. When you are 3 level and want to gang a lane, your chance is not that much to make it success with 1 second invisiblity. So on this point look the picture below to see Long Jump Tricks

Long Jump for Top Lane

shaco 3 jump.png

As you see, firstly you need to approach the edge of bush and then click the point that I showed you. This super uber long jump provides you to make a succcess gang if enemy top laner pushed his lane. At least you can burn his Flash and after you can visit him again that's simple.

shaco 4 jump.png

Long Jump for Bot Lane

The long jump that I like most is only happens here. Again you need to approach the edge of the bush like I do for the top lane. And click Q to the point that I marked on the image. After that, you appear on the that point and this is a perfect chance for you to punish enemy bot lane !



Long Jump for Mid Lane

It's not that effective like Top and Bot tricks but it might be useful sometimes.

shaco jump 5.png


As using these tactics, you can be effective even in early game with 1 second invisibility and your teammates will get fed as well like you. If you get an advantage in early game with Shaco, you'll stomp whole game for sure. If you practice on this tactics in a custom game before starting a ranked game, you might have more self-confident in ranked game. Now let's come up to Masteries and Runes.

Masteries & Runes

On this part I prefer to use the combine that colored Red and Dark Blue ones. I'm playing Shaco as assasin so this permutation is working well for me.

shaco mastery.png

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