A Bundle of Games - Shunned & Ignored - Until Now


It was around this time last year itch.io had a massive bundle up for grabs. For a measly $5 donation you got... I don't even remember how many games. It was a large number. I was greedy. Thought to myself, "YES!" and bought the cheapo bundle without a second thought.

Just out of curiosity, I went to the original bundle page and here you go:

the bundle.PNG

Then I started scrolling through my acquisitions.

And scrolled some more.

And more.

Only to discover that most of the "games" included in the bundle were in fact not games; they were game assets. And most of the actual games were "woke" things created by the PC Brigade of the world or pixelated things that looked like they were whipped up within a hasty 10 minutes. (I like a lot of pixel games! But these... nah.)

Grumpy, I downloaded a mere 14 things out of the 1741 items and then forgot I even had them. Because I was grumpy.

Thinking about it now, it still makes me grumpy. πŸ˜† I mean, yay, 14 games for $5! Yay I contributed towards a cause! But still, my purchase did not meet expectations and I'm obviously a Karen and I want to speak to the damned manager.


After a year of forgetting I even had them, it's time to visit the few games I chose out of that bundle.


I've since discovered that I can't even play Mutiny Island because it's controller-only. Hi. Guys. I'm on a computer, playing computer games. If I wanted to use a controller I'd play on a console. But I'm not, and I don't, and I have and prefer a keyboard and mouse.

I've since gotten Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 thanks to Humble Bundle, so I'd probably choose that over #2 whenever it is I finally get to it.

Two games scratched off the list. 12 to go.

Verdant Skies is apparently a little bit "woke" but it was something I kept looking at on Steam anyway so I was glad to see it in the bundle. May it not disappoint me.

Lenna's Inception and Anodyne both look like cute little Zelda-clones. May they meet expectations.

Because those three are the only ones that have actually grabbed at my attention, I'm going to zoom through all the other ones first and (hopefully) enjoy those particular ones last.


Gameplay/Review posts coming soon! 😁

May this go better than expected. 😬

(I'm fully expecting to find disappointment but I hope otherwise. I want to find ENJOYMENT!)


See you soon!

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