Memorable Videogames: SUPER MARIO 64


Today I present to you a game that surely many of you already knew, in June 1996 Mario 64 is released, it is a game that provoked a before and after with respect to the way the games should be made, it has been taken as a reference by many to measure the level of other titles and is that nothing else than being the first foray of Mario from the 2D world to the 3D world, was a great innovation at the time, because the technological leap was so great at the time that everyone praised it, this made many consider this mythical game as one of the best video games of all time and here I will show you the reasons.

The game begins as a typical mario the princess invites mario to her castle, upon arrival she is informed that Princess Peach is kidnapped by Bowser, on the way we can get up to 120 power stars and cross up to 15 different worlds very entertaining and with many details, enemies and secrets that we will have to discover, this game gave a great boost to the Nintendo 64 system and brought with it other great game such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


First Boss King Bomb

Mario 64 is a very complete game with a lot of things to do. Every room in the castle has a canvas that teleports us to another world. Each world has different challenges and each time we complete a challenge they will give us a star and we will be able to leave that world and go to the next or we can enter the same world and meet another challenge that we have not done. Other games even came out trying to replicate the same idea like Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Odyssey, although they have all been very well received, the latter became such a successful game that many people are debating about Which is better? Mario Odyssey? or Mario 64? Odyssey feels like A Mario 64 2, an evolution that has improved graphic aspects, the worlds are now much bigger and with much more details than their previous releases, also aspects of gameplay and soundtrack, not to mention that at the end of Mario Odyssey you can access the world of the Mushroom Kingdom that pays great tribute to Mario 64.
Salto gráfico de Mario 64 a Mario Odyssey Fuente

Mario 64 was definitely a game to remember, and I'm sure there wasn't a time when I felt bored playing it, and that's the most important thing that a game can do to entertain you and keep you active in your goal. Thank you for reading me, in "Memorable Video Games" I will talk about games that have marked an era or that have left their mark on the gamer culture.



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