A Useful Feature That Should Be In All Console Games

Fire Emblem Warriors for the the Switch contains a nifty feature that should be present in all console games. This feature is actually in the settings and just contains the ability to choose between a slightly more prettier game at a higher resolution playing at 30FPS or play at a slightly lower resolution and quality and be able to hit that beautiful 60FPS so many Nintendo Switch games seem to be receiving.

Here is the game in Quality mode at 30FPS

When launching Fire Emblem Warriors you are automatically set in the prettier version of the game locked at 30FPS and i noticed especially during special moves there could be quite some visible slowdown but after roughly 20 minutes with the game i took a stroll through the settings menu and quickly switched over to the “Performance” version of the game and man did i notice the difference straight away and the gameplay immediately felt much more fast paced and incredibly more smooth experience

Here is the game in Performance mode at 60FPS

The ability to switch graphical quality in console games is quite uncommon but should be a feature much more regularly implemented across the board. I know many people that are completely fine with playing games at 30FPS (and so am i) but when putting the two side by side it is extremely noticeable to me the improvement in gameplay with the extra FPS i will always prefer taking a hit to the graphics department to get a nice 60FPS.

What do you guys think should more games have an option to let you use lower graphical settings in console games to be able to achieve 60FPS or look as pretty as possible and be locked at a 30FPS in your games? Comment your thoughts below

Be sure to follow @JuicyShark

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