Jefri Gaming– Skill and Hero Karrie Build Item the Games Mobile legends(ENG-IND) #30


Hallo friends steemian how are you today, Come again with me @jefrim503 I will discuss about online games and Android. In this post I will explain a little hero in mobile legends, I explain a little bit about hero Karrie.

Karrie Mobile Legend's Story:

Alaghat is a work of mysterious techniques. There was a strange Ras Humaniod life-Yasson. They are in human form while having a pair of legs that are deformed. They are agile and are born to fight. In the meantime, they are also good in techniques that enable them to create a significant civilization and attack others. From the time Karrie was a kid, she was very talented and trained to be an extraordinary and arrogant fighter leader, yet at the same time she lost her feelings and became a machine. In one of his battles, he felt overconfident and seriously hurt. But another race nabidary saved him and injected his consciousness into Karrie's brain. since then there was a voice in his head, the prophet said that the destruction of his kingdom will soon arrive and there will be no more Ras Yasson. After escaping from his death, Karrie does not believe her. But he began to suspect him after returning to his kingdom. To save his kingdom, for his redemption, Karrie chose to believe and came to the Land of Dawn. What fate awaits him?

Attributes owned by Karrie:


  • Movement Speed: 240
  • Physical Attack: 112
  • Magic Power: 0
  • Armor: 17
  • Magic Resistance: 10
  • HP: 2498
  • Where: 440
  • Attack speed: 0.8396
  • HP Regen: 40
  • Where Regen: 15
  • Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
  • Ability crit rate: 0

In the legend mobile game Karrie has its own trick capabilities and tips as follows:

Karrie Mobile Legend Skill:

a. Lightwheel Mark: Passive

Add Lightwheel Mark to your opponent in any Basic Attack or Skill. When the Mark Lightwheel has reached 5 on the target, it will turn into a real Lightwheel, piercing the target and delivering 7% -13% true damage from max HP. Damage can reach 300 on the Jungle Monster.

b. Spinning Lightwheel: Cooldown: 8.0 Mana Cost: 80

Releasing the Flywheels that stop at the target location, giving 200 (+ 90% extra physical damage) physical damage on track and slowing them by 80%, giving 100 (+ 20 physical Phase ATK) physical damage to the opponent around the target location and slowing them down.

c. Phantomstep: Cooldown: 6.0 Mana Cost: 50

Moving towards the intended direction while releasing Flywheel against the nearest opponent, giving 150 (+ 100% total physical ATK) damage. Release 2 Flywheels in Ultimate state.

d. Speedy Lightwheel: Cooldown: 30.0 Mana Cost: 140

Entering two swing mode for 6 seconds, increase Movement Speed ​​and release 2 Lightwheels as Basic Attack, but each Basic Attack only gives 50% Damage and Attack Speed ​​will be reduced by 20%.

Items used in Karrie:

a. Demon Hunter Sword: +35 physical Attack + 25% Attack Speed.

Unique Passive-devour: The basic attack will handle 10% of the current target HP as additional physical damage (up to 60 against the moster). Unique passive-devour: each basic attack gives 4% health stealing for 4 seconds, up to 3 times.

b. Warrior boots: +22 Armor

Uniqueness: + 40 movement SPD passive unique-valor: Physical defense will go up 5 with some attacks received, for increments of up to 25 points, ending 3s.

c. Windtalker: + 25% attack speed + 20 SPD movement + 20% crit. Chance

passive unique-typhoon: after all 4 basic attacks inflict 125 magic damage to 3 passive opponents unique_activate: every time a typhoon in gunakab, movement speed will increase 5% for a while.

d. Haas's Claws: +70 Physical Attack

Uniqueness: + 20% passive unique lifesteal-madness: When HP falls below 40%, hero will receive an additional 10% of physical lifesteal.

e. Malefic Roar: +60 physical attacks

Uniqueness: + 40% physical PEN unique passive-armor buster: basic attack will feel 20% defensive from dampen armor suspension.

f. Immortality: +800 HP + 40 Magic RES

Unique passive-timeless: rises after 2s death after death and gets HP And the shield can absorb 300-1000 attack points. Hold the shield for 3s.cooldown for this 180s effect.


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Best wishes for a steemian friend ...?


Hallo teman-teman steemian apa kabar hari ini, Datang lagi dengan saya @jefrim503 saya akan membahas tentang game online dan Android.Di postingan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit hero di dalam mobile legends,langsung saya jelaskan sedikit tentang hero Karrie.

Kisah Karrie Mobile legend's:

Alaghat adalah kerjaan teknik misterius. Di sana hidup Ras Humaniod yang aneh-Yasson. Mereka berada dalam bentuk manusia sementara memiliki sepasang kaki yang cacat. Mereka tangkas dan terlahir untuk bertarung. Sementara itu, mereka juga bagus dalam teknik yang memungkinkan mereka menciptakan peradaban yang singnifikan dan menyerang yang lain. Sejak Karrie masih kecil, dia sangat berbakat dan terlatih menjadi leader petarung yang luar biasa dan arogan, namun pada saat bersamaan, dia kehilangan perasaan dan menjadi mesin. Dalam salah satu pertempuran, dia merasa terlalu percaya diri dan terluka serius. Tapi seorang nabidari ras lain menyelamatkannya dan menyuntikan kesadarannya ke dalam otak Karrie. sejak saat itu ada suara di kepalanya, sang nabimengatakan bahwa kehancuran kerajaanya akan segera tiba dan tidak akan ada lagi Ras Yasson. Setelah melarikan diri dari kematiannya, Karrie tidak mempercayainya. Tapi dia mulai mencurigainya setelah kembali ke kerajaanya. Untuk menyelamatkan kerajaannya, untuk penebusannya, Karrie memilih untuk percaya dan datang ke Land of Dawn. Takdir apa yang menunggunya?

Atribut yang dimiliki oleh Karrie:


  • Movement Speed: 240
  • Physical Attack: 112
  • Magic Power: 0
  • Armor: 17
  • Magic Resistance: 10
  • HP: 2498
  • Mana: 440
  • Attack speed: 0.8396
  • HP Regen: 40
  • Where Regen: 15
  • Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
  • Ability crit rate: 0

Dalam game mobile legend Karrie memiliki kemampuan trik sendiri dan tips sebagai berikut:

Skill Karrie Mobile Legend:

a. Lightwheel Mark: Pasif

Menambahkan Lightwheel Mark pada lawan dalam setiap Basic Attack atau Skill. Ketika Lightwheel Mark sudah mencapai 5 pada target, maka akan berubah menjadi Lightwheel yang sesungguhnya, menusuk target dan memberikan 7%-13% true damage dari max HP. Damage dapat mencapai 300 pada Monster Jungle.

b. Spinning Lightwheel: Cooldown: 8.0 Mana Cost:80

Melepaskan Flywheels yang berhenti pada lokasi target, memberikan 200(+90%ekstra physical damage) physical damage pada jalurnya dan memperlambat mereka sebesar 80%, memberikan 100(+20ekstra physical ATK) physical damage pada lawan di sekitar lokasi target dan memperlambat mereka.

c. Phantomstep: Cooldown: 6.0 Mana Cost: 50

Bergerak menuju arah yang dituju sementara melepaskan Flywheel terhadap lawan terdekat, memberikan 150(+100%total physical ATK) damage. Melepaskan 2 Flywheel dalam keadaan Ultimate.

d. Speedy Lightwheel: Cooldown: 30.0 Mana Cost: 140

Memasuki mode dua ayunan selama 6 detik, meningkatkan Movement Speed dan melepaskan 2 Lightwheels sebagai Basic Attack, tetapi setiap Basic Attack hanya memberikan 50% Damage dan Attack Speed akan berkurang sebesar 20%.

Item yang di gunakan Karrie:

a. Demon Hunter Sword: +35 physical Attack +25%Attack Speed.

Pasif unik-devour:Serangan dasar akan menangani 10% dari HP target saat ini sebagai kerusakan fisik tambahan (hingga 60 melawan moster).Pasif unik-devour:setiap basic attack memberikan 4% health stealing selama4 detik,hingga 3 kali.

b. Warrior boots: +22 Armor

Keunikan:+40 movement SPD pasif unik-valor:Pertahanan fisik akan naik 5 dengan beberapa serangan yang di terima, untuk kenaikan sampai 25 poin, berakhir 3s.

c. Windtalker: + 25% Attack Speed +20 gerakan SPD + 20% crit. Kesempatan

pasif unik-typhoon: setelah semua 4 serangan dasar menimpakan 125 magic damage ke 3 lawan pasif unik_activate: setiap kali topan di gunakab, kecepatan gerakan akan meningkat 5% untuk sementara.

d. Haas's Claws: +70 Physical Attack

Keunikan: + 20% lifesteal pasif unik-kegilaan: Bila HP turun di bawah 40%, hero akan menerima tambahan 10% lifesteal fisik.

e. Malefic Roar: +60 serangan fisik

Keunikan: + 40% fisik PEN pasif unik-armor buster: serangan dasar akan terasa 20% pertahanan dari peredam lapis baja denfensif.

f. Immortality: +800 HP  + 40 Magic RES

Pasif unik-abadi: naik setelah kematian 2s setelah kematian dan mendapatkan HP Dan perisai dapat menyerap 300-1000 titik serangan. Tahan perisai untuk 3s.cooldown untuk efek 180s ini.


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